Done added all trials gl guys enjoy
Just released a new version yesterday, added some improvements and added an update to anglerfish + sandworm withdrawing, and some profile loading/saving fixes, glgl
You must set the attack options to -> Always left-click npcs in RS settings menu and it will attack instead of walk there, if you like I can force the script to do this upon startup
I will also add the south verdant valley spot, thank you for the suggestion
Added all trials enjoy
Good idea I will add a way to stop prayer flicking after killing npcs, I usually keep it on so I just assumed everyone else would as well
Added all trials gl guys enjoy Just added 2 new options in the setup window, more to come. I also added a few more example profiles in the setup window for various npcs
Best way is to join osbot disc and watch out for people getting banned, usually the obvious botters get hit first and that's when you wait it out for a few days and resume
Use breaks I personally do <15 min sessions and it has worked amazingly well past few months. I am using stealth injection with new mouse enabled all the time
Done added all trials enjoy!
Just released a new update for v175.0, this version also has dragon pickaxe (or) support, enjoy update will automatically go live within 24 hrs!
Okay this is related to mouse system then, I'll shorten the hitbox of the clicks in todays update
Thank you for the attention to detail, most people including myself missed this, you have a really good eye sir