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Newbie (1/10)



  1. Hey, first time I've tried this hot in such a long long time Can you auth me as this is the first one since I'm back? It'll be the only one that I use haha. Appreciate it.
  2. Can I have a trial? Thanks.
  3. Gaetano

    Stealth Quester

    Hey, Can I get a trial please? When You auth me, do I have 24 hours from that point of the click for authentication? Or when I run the script?
  4. Since DDMS is dying. I set up 5 accounts, making 80k p hr each and end up swapping DMM go for 07. Since the rate is 1/5, im making roughly 2m p hr, after switching to 07 gp. Mind you I'm only 3 CMB each account, have a level 3 newb that I collect the items on. Then transfer it to my main SDMM account. And if I ever get banned (havnt been banned in 2 weeks since I found this spot) I can make a new bot farm of 5 again with money I could make in less than 5 hours.
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