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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Harry

  1. 40str/att/def = 1.5M tutorial accounts = 150-300K 66 magic/40 hp = 1.5-2M 47 constr/50 magic = 5M 40 fishing = 1.5M 60 woodcutting = 2.5M 41 Mining accounts = 2M
  2. You could easily get 300M+ rs3 gp for this if you're selling on diff websites
  3. of course hand trained 35M+
  4. Still never had any issues with windows 10 and the bot
  5. Impressive. Don't know how you're not banned lmao
  6. Great update to your portfolio and I'm loving the new thread layout. Would 100% recommend this guys work!
  7. Harry

    NMZ Flicker

    I remember you Lare, from Divine. Good release none the less. For anybody wondering, I doubt this works because of recent NMZ updates. Not sure though.
  8. this made me laugh more than it should have
  9. Nope, he'll still be flagged as a botter if he has the same IP/mac address. I would suggest using a Proxy so you can mask your IP and bot multiple accs at once if needed. Don't bot accounts you don't want to risk. You can use MAC address changer here. If you're looking to get a Proxy to bot accounts with, I'd suggest @ProxyFish.
  10. Harry

    best vps?

    My bad, could use OVH.
  11. The Walking Dead Game of Thrones The Flash Arrow
  12. I'm a bit late, BUT CONGRATULATIONS.
  13. Only bot 2 accs per IP. or even less.
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