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Kawasaki last won the day on October 11 2022

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  1. catherby fishing needs to be fixed, just died on my hardcore while fishing lobsters in catherby because the scripts decided to go banking in falador and the wolves at white wolf mountain killed me. also when you start the script in catherby bank it doesnt find the path to the fishing spot.
  2. Thanks for the knowledge Now i know what i did wrong haha. Keep making great scripts.
  3. Nice looks good! If i may ask, what entrances in the abbys do u use? and what are the skill levels on your accounts. im doing double cosmics but im only getting 300k gp an hour. am i doing something wrong? would love to hear from you.
  4. your welcome Left clicking isn't that much of a problem but like you said the misclicking on brawlers is haha.
  5. Goodevening, first of all i want to mention that im a big fan of all your scripts that i own. but i just bought this script and it misclicks quite alot tbh. instead right clicking on the spinners it keeps left clicking and keeps spam clicking the brawlers. also the way it walks sometimes doesnt make sense tbh, i catched it 2 times wanting to walk 1 or 2 tiles forward and it uses the minimap. Mirror mode
  6. Thanks for the confirmation
  7. Hello, For some reason the client is not working for me, does anyone know if the client is down atm due to a update or something? It gives me this error: ''An error has occured while loading hooks'' already deleted the osbot folder and file and redownloaded everything.
  8. Does this script use the POH to refresh spec and prayer points?
  9. this needs a fix, i set up the bot the way you described but it teleports to falador and then just sits there doing nothing. (traversingmethod = teleportation tab to 4 locations) Edit: if i only Make it use the herb patch the script does work, but when i make it use 2 alottments 1 flower and 1 herb it crashes in falador.
  10. When i try to start the script it doesnt start at all, the logger doesnt show any activity to.
  11. When fletching (cutting bows (u) out of logs) it keeps clicking on knife and then on the log after 3 bows are done, it should wait until the entire inventory is fletched instead of keep clicking on the knife and logs. Task mode using mirror mode
  12. the bot is running very slow, it almost looks like slowmotion. only getting 25k p/h mining iron. Mirror mode tried 500ms and 1000ms both the same.
  13. when its finished mining a rock it clicks again on a empty rock, and then it waits until the rock respawns and then clicks the selected rock thats next to it. mirror mode
  14. It happend to me 3 times that the bot is just standing in castle wars or near the fire rune ruins doing nothing. when standing still at castle wars the status was saying: opening bank and near the fire rune ruins it was : entering ruins it doesnt happen immediatly, always happens after it run around 1 hour. using mirror mode. i also selected stamina potion but it isnt taking them from bank.
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