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  1. All blacked out stats are above level 50 on the main account. I relatively know what my accounts should be priced at but I wanted to get a few ideas about the pricing from you all as well. Thanks for any responses in advance.
  2. I'll try to get a gif for you in a bit, gonna get 60 str first :p and yeah they're all at the top of my main tab already.
  3. Yeah I'm running version 3.26, it just keeps hovering over each of them back and forth like last time. It seemed to figure it out quicker this time though, although it did end my script last night again
  4. Still seems to have the same issues
  5. ! I will run the script tonight when I get off work and let you know how it goes
  6. Yeah I figured as much, hopefully the banking fix will prevent me having to do this thanks for the quick responses man.
  7. Awesome, thanks. Also, I noticed that sometimes it seems to throw a null pointer exception. I haven't quite pinpointed it yet but normally after it goes to bank and fails to bank I manually do it myself, walk to the crabs and hit start and it just stands there in the Banking state. To fix this I have to manually restart my client and then start the script again.
  8. Yeah it works itself out once and a while but like just now it tried to do it for around an hour (looked at the log) and then it just said "can't find camelot tab" and then turned off the script after two hours. I know I've used banking in my own scripts and it seems to work fine, but then again I usually don't withdraw it using the model rather the ID/Item name. Do you think that's something you could do as a hotfix while you wait on the fix? I noticed it last time I used it on my pure about a month ago too so I'd say the Devs don't really have it on their priority list. Yes food works for me, it's just the banking that does not. Currently I'm using Tuna eating at around 30-35% hp, but I've used Lobster before as well.
  9. It seems to take forever withdrawing stuff from the bank, it goes back and forth between withdrawing my food, exiting the bank, depositing the food, hovering over the tab and food, closing the bank again and so on like that.
  10. Pro

    My botting adventure

    Thread updated. News: Hey guys! My account was unbanned from my first ever ban on the mirror client earlier. I think the cause of my ban was due to training mining and not deviating from it for awhile and the long hours and short breaks that I had set up. Therefore as I move forward now I will be extending my break times and be switching on and off from mining and killing flesh crawlers for a while with a day break randomly during the week so I can keep striving to get that 99. Currently I have accumulated around 10m worth of ore which I have sold and transferred to my mule account for safe keeping. With that said I will see you all again in a week with my next update.. until then, take care.
  11. Pro

    My botting adventure

    Will be updating tomorrow, got a two day ban so I'm just waiting on it to be lifted. Created a mule account to hold all my cash now though, so even if it gets perm banned I'll just buy a bond and try again
  12. Pro

    My botting adventure

    Thanks everyone! I'll make sure to keep this thread updated. I'll probably make an update every week or so
  13. Pro

    My botting adventure

    Thanks! I actually only started mining yesterday haha, I got like a 13 hour proggy. Normally when I bot though I go 12+ hours with a break every 6-7hours for 20-30 minutes. Haha, I got it from a friend a while back, and thanks man!
  14. Hey everyone, I just started off a fresh account a few weeks ago (I think it was 2 to be exact) and I have been botting on and off since then on this account to mainly test out the mirror client and so far I am loving it. My plan is to bot this account all the way to max but you never know what might happen so I'll be taking it step by step, my first goal is to get 99 mining. My 99 preference is going to be mainly based on which will gain me the most money and then I will work down the list from there, the only reason I am not getting 99 Runecafting first is because of some complications with the mirror client and the walking method. Any way, here's a progress report of my account so far, I hope you stick around for the journey because it's about to be a long one. Current Bans: 1 Total Wealth on Mule: 16m Client I'm using: Mirror Client Current 99 I am botting towards: Mining Script in use: Khal Motherlode Scripts I've used: Screenshots:
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