Hey everyone, I just started off a fresh account a few weeks ago (I think it was 2 to be exact) and I have been botting on and off since then on this account to mainly test out the mirror client and so far I am loving it. My plan is to bot this account all the way to max but you never know what might happen so I'll be taking it step by step, my first goal is to get 99 mining. My 99 preference is going to be mainly based on which will gain me the most money and then I will work down the list from there, the only reason I am not getting 99 Runecafting first is because of some complications with the mirror client and the walking method. Any way, here's a progress report of my account so far, I hope you stick around for the journey because it's about to be a long one.
Current Bans: 1
Total Wealth on Mule: 16m
Client I'm using: Mirror Client
Current 99 I am botting towards: Mining
Script in use: Khal Motherlode
Scripts I've used: