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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Going to bed but half these suggestions are personal preference, which I could care less about. If you don't know how to click multi quote then you deserve to be taken to another screen. It does not take you to another screen when clicking multi quote. Lol there is an automatic expiration date. Except when you are a constant troll and annoying to everyone you get a longer or no expiration. Confused on the feedback suggestion. No to your other ones.. and obviously we want people to the see vip beta testing to make them interested in buying vip. Good try though...
  2. may look snazzy until you're go ogling here are my keys located lol
  3. ..... why would you get an external number pad?? Why no letters??
  4. I wake my wife up typing so hard. I need something that doesn't sound like I'm slamming rocks
  5. This is not a troll or anything. I've never really thought about it as I don't game much. I just want something quiet, but something I can still type fast on. I type over 120WPM. Everything I've seen that is supposed to be really quiet has the keys spaced, and I do not like that.
  6. I'm gonna buy it for myself just to piss you off.
  7. Can you explain why this is better than a regular keyboard
  8. To fancy buy one at Walmart 10-15 bucks
  9. Give me a valid reason? Who cares if people can browse, I usually won't register at a forum I can't browse before registration.
  10. Maldesto


    Black mark picture or I will lock this
  11. How much when was last time it was botted.
  12. Maldesto


    Never watched looks dumb
  13. If it's for this forum, background doesn't match. Which is bad. Other than that looks nice.
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