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  1. Hello all, I haven't been on this forum in 6 years and I used to do alot of designing for RSPS and forums. Recently i've been looking to freelance again (also on fiverr). Sadly I lost all my old designs and I can't find any of them back, that's why i'm making some free designs to build my portfolio. It can be whatever you want. Here's my old shop back in 2013, luckily I still have my well deserved vouches! You can simply add me on skype : Boudje1997
  2. HEY GUYS! i was gone but i'm fully back and open for work!
  3. Another project done for Omegacraft (Recent work)
  4. already got 3 people where i make a freeone for
  5. iGFX

    Free signatures!

    Your too late bro
  6. iGFX

    Free signatures!

    got enoughpeople added on skype please stop added mehhhhhhh
  7. iGFX

    Free signatures!

    Hey i'm iGFX and i'm a graphics artist, i run my shop at http://osbot.org/forum/topic/25519-igfxs-graphic-shop-cheap-reliable/ I'll be making 3 free signatures to help my shop going After you recieved the signature vouch on my shop Add me on skype: Boudje1997 I DONE THEM GUYS, THANKS FOR COMMING FEEL FREE TO CHECKOUT MY SHOP http://osbot.org/forum/topic/25519-igfxs-graphic-shop-cheap-reliable/ ~first signature for Slunse ( edited it so dont think you become crazy) `~Second for Mysteryy ~third for SWIZZBEATZ!
  8. I cant code and web develop and all those stuff, i just gfx for websites :P
  9. You know how hard it is to make a loginscreen ( every thing seperated) i think 8.50$ is a good price for that and the logo and signatures are a decent price i guess, ty for saying about the bump button btw
  10. those were from rune-server and they dont transfer to OSBot i can prntscreen it http://prntscr.com/24p90h here you go bro.
  11. Hey I'm new to OSBot but it seems like a really nice community so here is my graphicshop i also have on other forums, i can basicly design everything for you ToS Dont try to delete my Watermark, i will blackmark you immideatly. I only work trough EURO'S so if you pay me with usd i pay you back and ask you to pay with euro's. Dont let me work on something fully after i remade it all etc and then say you dont want it, i will blackmark you. recent work Vouches
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