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Everything posted by Benz

  1. How long do you think Runescape is destined to live, and why? Some say after watching Jagex jump through hoops and do whatever they can to gain money for the last few years, most of you will be at the conclusion that they have accepted Runescape cannot last forever and starting trying to squeeze the last remaining worthwhile pennies they can from the public. Some will argue that Runescape cannot die as it is a soul-collecting demon that survives by feasting on the minds of humans, and that it was created by the gods somewhere around the 3rd age. All we know is he's called the Stig. Discuss.
  2. I set up my G.E. like this. One day it will pay off.
  3. Benz

    F**k it.

    I started reading a life motivational book called F**k it (The ultimate spiritual way) It is essentially a guide on how to be stress free by simply saying 'fuck it' to everything, written by a guy who says 'fuck it' to everything. I myself have been living by 'fuck it' for as long as I can remember anyway, but it should still be an interesting read. Anyway, I got about three pages in and it said 'Start off by saying fuck it to something right now'. So I put the book down and said 'fuck it'. I will try again tomorrow.
  4. I spoon my cat. He curls up in a ball beside my chest under the quilt. Not even embarrassed.
  5. Doges r shit ~From Cat
  6. Cymbals are too loud, gotta turn them down a bit then remaster the track. 10 minute job. Minor annoyance. EDIT: fixed
  7. https://soundcloud.com/officiallytraumatised/anarchist Let me know. ~Benz
  8. To those I am currently working for; I won't be making much progress in-game today as my older sister has just given birth. I have to go round and pretend to give a shit what gender the baby is. Will try to get as much catching up done tonight as possible. To those thinking of making orders: I am fully booked up for the next week or so. I'm going to have to consider hiring help.
  9. I've found that if you try and create more than 3 or so accounts on the same IP within 10 minutes the Runescape website displays an error every time you try after. This can be solved with a simple IP switch, using Zenmate or any other basic Chrome software. Not sure how you'd incorporate that into a script, but good luck trying, and if you succeed this script will definitely be worth 10$.
  10. ... For the worse. https://www.facebook.com/jhoven.padda/videos/592995960831914/
  11. There's a button on the thread to show my Skype name. I've pmed you either way. Thanks.
  12. I started a pure last night and did 1-60 ranged. I haven't and won't bot on it. Let's see if I can beat you to max pure. I have confidence in my A-Class, supercharged Benz power.
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