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toke up069

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  1. toke up069

    Fruity NMZ

    its eating the rock cake outside of nmz untill 1hp then entering the dream and unable to use ovl as im already at 1hp
  2. bought this script once again an still loving it, only thing i would do differently is 2 things: when it goes to fight brother at the centre chest in tunnells it opens chest then swaps to the gear to kill the brother hile brother is hitting you, could it be made to change gear then open chest? wold save a few prayer points/time to set the spell again second thing would be banking at clan wars, current it teles to clan wars, enters portal, exits portal then uses bank then back to barrows, is there anyway it could change order to tele to clan wars, bank, enter portal, barrows tab from inside portal - would save time if its possible and look more human like
  3. toke up069

    Fruity NMZ

    when it finnishes one game and starts another it isnt useing the rockcake for me, so if it starts a new game im goin in at 83hp(current lvl) then sip absorb/ovl an stays 33hp) EDIT- checked logger and it dosent show anything just thiss [INFO][06/07 04:09:55 PM]: Started bot #1 [DEBUG][06/07 04:13:01 PM]: Loading script id : 698 [DEBUG][06/07 04:13:04 PM]: Loaded script! [DEBUG][06/07 04:13:04 PM]: Launching script... [INFO][Bot #1][06/07 04:13:04 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [INFO][06/07 04:13:13 PM]: Started script : Fruity NMZ
  4. there are ip checking scripts you can use, just add it to osb scrits, run the script an bam shows the current ip on client, but ur problem may be that even if u use the proxy to login to the osbot client when u click to make a new acc and the internet page pops up it will register ur current ip as far as i know
  5. anyone have a current zulrah profit per hour after the nerf?
  6. id love to see some info on this as ive botted my fair share of barrows with osbot and made a nice amount but ive only ever used 1 acc per proxy and only had the 1 account ready for barrows runs
  7. was just some basic ones like lost city, priest in peril, and i think quests for demon nmz training, i can check fully tomorrow just about to go to bed atm
  8. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed - only has 24qp but has all reqs for biohazard/underground pass/regicide 5. The price you will be starting bids at - 25m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account - 50m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting - osrs gp 8. Your trading conditions - ill go 1st if ur trusted if not you go 1st or mm at ur choice 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address - im original owner and no registered email
  9. i have this if ur interested?
  10. i know i dont have alot of feedback but sold a few account on here before with all positive feedback, and no acs recovered ect
  11. even without regicide ect done? wasnt expecting a price that high tbh
  12. current stats are - 75 range 78 mage 45 prayer 74 hp 69 def 70 str 62 attk QUESTS DONE - priest in peril ernest the chicken the restless ghost QUESTS NEEDED - (has reqs for quests) regicide underground pass biohazard plague city animal magnetism i known its not the best zulrah starter acc due to the quests needing to be completed but trying to find a price on this acc so i can skill on my main :P so any feedback is apriciated also there is no bans on the account and no email set
  13. toke up069

    Fruity NMZ

    after rs update it wont drink ovls or use rock cake, just enters sips absorbs and then works with only absorbs, hopefully wont be a hard fix look foward to using it again
  14. how much? i have 1 with 75 range 78 mage 70 hp 60 def 45 prayer, void top/bottom/gloves (no helms) that i just need to do quests on
  15. makes intorduction post 3 years after joining but "im new here"
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