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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Satire

  1. Alright cool. I'll fix it sometime within 12 hrs. EDIT: This is with using curse and low alch (should be the exact same with high alch). Does it even cast Vulnerability? Because it's up to the API to decide whether it works or not. Because I no longer have my 99 magic acc (sold it), I cannot test out the higher level spells. Are you sure you got the updated version?
  2. Pushed new update! Please read the update notes if you want to know what was changed and what wasn't.
  3. So why were you the only one banned and nobody else hmm? You'd have to think everyone who commented on that post would be banned if you apply the same logic about saying negative things there. You weren't the only one who was saying negative things so I don't think that's why you got banned. There must be another reason. I know you only had 3 posts but idk, it seems sketchy that no1 else but you was banned.
  4. The fact you just said you would chargeback and move on means you were going to do it anyway sometime. So I don't think the mod needs to explain himself anymore. Because that's what I call childish behavior. You would've been banned sooner or later anyway. I doubt he's going to reply to you, ever.
  5. You shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. It may have been a coincidence that you got banned for something else, at the time you were debating something. I wouldn't know why someone would ban you over different political views. I mean, who cares really? You wouldn't be able to change their opinion even if you tried, and why would you other trying? Not like it will make a huge impact in someones life. From what you're saying it seems quite unfair, but you need clarification first just in case it was for another reason. EDIT: I see why you got banned now. Using vulgar language. Never read the main post though so I could be wrong but that response seemed a little bit too much...
  6. Added and also added a choice of other things. Will update the local version and push an update to the SDN too. I don't have the magic level to test the higher spells cause I sold my acc with 99 mage. But I tested it with the lvl 3 spell and I'm assuming it'll work with all of them lol. EDIT: I'll push it soon, I'll need someone to give me some gifs or a gif of it in action, cause it's currently outdated.
  7. I had botted for like 5 hours a day for 4 days/week.
  8. Yea, soon. I will update it to work with a whole bunch of skills. Just not right now. Maybe within 2-3 days.
  9. The only way to reduce bans is to not bot at all, I just guaranteed you a 100% ban reduce rate. You're welcome.
  10. Want me to add more antibans with that? Seems like I didn't add enough antibans and you got banned from using my script. Isn't it funny how I still haven't been banned and I got 99 mage using my own script?!?!?! Also, I don't know why it bugs out when you stop and start the script again, seems like osbot isn't truly killing the script (happens to me with a lot of other scripts too that aren't even mine). But I don't think you'd get banned that fast, you surely were botting something else. Antibans are a joke and you get banned regardless, that's the risk you take with botting. You either get lucky or you don't. I hardly get banned from botting so I don't know why you guys complain you get banned like literally 1 day after using a script.
  11. Do you even read the logger? You'll be getting "Please check to see if you have runes to cast CURSE and a magic level of 19 or over." Do you have a magic level over 19? Because I used the canCast api call and I think it's still bugging out as usual. I will recompile you a local version with the auto kill GUI part of it gone and tell me if it still does the same thing. EDIT: please re-download the local version it'll be named sglobalcurserlocal
  12. I suggest you read my latest post just 2 posts above this one.
  13. Depends on the games you like. FOR SINGLEPLAYER If you like resident evil type of games + good stories + horror games I'd suggest you try out "The evil within". $20 for 16 hours of gameplay, very, very well made story and I enjoyed every bit of it (still currently playing it, exams got in the way D:). Alan wake is also a good game too. Multiplayer games are shit nowadays tbh. Milk city babe, with 'em micro transactions.
  14. No wonder that guy said he wanted to pay by paypal. Like, he insisted... Lmao.
  15. If you read the log it'll say something along the lines "Cannot cast spell". Make sure you have the LEVEL and the RUNES in your inventory. It shouldn't shut down if you have them. There's literally no way for it to. I forgot to mention, because I added the staffs (that can be used) manually it won't recognize staffs that aren't from the list. I did it manually because the .canCast api method was bugging out the script (saying it couldn't cast spells etc) so I removed it for cursing. If you want some staffs added (that aren't on the list) then let me know and I can do that for you. I will also be adding some other things whenever I can after exams that should help you guys use more than just curse or stun.
  16. Replied to your pm. If that doesn't fix it, I'll fix it after exams...
  17. I didn't read all of it, I read the begging and gave my conclusion. I had further read it prior to this comment and it was different to what I had expected. I thought it was another article saying panic sell btc before its too late because the currency will drop(which we know won't happen) there's way too much demand.
  18. Lmao you listen to articles. BTC will keep raising throughout the months and years. It will be around 5-7k within the next year per BTC. You'll always see these articles saying "BTC is not worth it" and all that bs, that's what they said last year and it is now double it's stock price from the previous year. So, you can take a chance if you want, I'm going to stay. But what I'm telling you is you shouldn't trust articles no matter whom it's from.
  19. antiban() throws InterruptedException{ //throwing this exception here is not required if you will not be using any sleeps or conditional sleeps. int rand = random(1,8); // generate a random number from 1-8 each time the function is called switch(rand){ case 0: // do something break; // we break here so we exit out of the switch statement, else it will just do whatever and go down to the next case case 1: // do something break; case 2: //time for a real example if(myPLayer().isAnimating && !inventory.isFull()){ /*say we're woodcutting or something then we can randomly hover over a skill or rotate/move the camera In this case, we'll move the pitch(vertical angle basically(up and down))*/ getCamera().movePitch(random(55,67)); //in between angle 55 and 67 (67 is the max pitch) break; } } You can call it anywhere you like, wheter you use enums or not. For the sake of simplicity, we'll use onLoop So in your onloop int onLoop() throws Interupted Exception{ //each loop we'll generate a random number and if that random number is equal to 30 and the player isn't animating, the condition will be true and it will then call the antiban method. if(random(1,50) == 30 && !myplayer().isAnimating){ //this is just an example... so not hate antiban(); // call antiban function } return 200; } lol my post got deleted oh well. So I basically said that you must be new to programming in general as well as scripting (as you've stated). So I suggest you take a look at the coding conventions for Java and learn about functions and conditional statements. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconvtoc-136057.html -- you can see some here Now, above is an example of an antiban in use, however, it is a very shit antiban and it will most likely get u banned hahahha Antibans don't really do much from my experience and many people will say this exact thing. I know it's hard to believe. But for the sake of learning, you can make one just for fun for a learning experience.
  20. If you have an antiban(){ } function then it just goes antiban() throws InterruptedException{ //do whatever }
  21. Progressively? Like make a task based system? Could do but that'll be sometime after my exams.
  22. Antibans are a sham. I used this 12 hours a day too 85 magic and no bans at all. Use at your own risk still, but camera movements are random mouse hovers font seem to do much at all. So no, there's none.
  23. Got around 300, $1/M and it's yours. So if you need, just PM.
  24. "hand made" You probably created too many accounts in such a short amount of time on the same ip, therefore flagging the IP and got checked manually.
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