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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by NotoriousPP

  1. NO! I agree with the first comment, I feel the G.E. killed the game... I loved when world 1 & 2 were packed to the brim with people! In Fally Park and W Varrock! I miss that so much! People were so much more social. It's kinda like cell phones, yea they help a lot, yet they also desocialize us by us having interact with an object rather than a person. Just my opinion though.
  2. Got some more work done today! Added paint, and some skill trackers though I need to add HP. Decided to simplified script, to basic AIO fighter for the time being. Will post more updates very soon!
  3. This is just a side project to my other script, and mainly this is for personal use, but if I get it stable, then I'm going to push it to premium, wasting my time or not. There is not one stable AIO fighter anywhere around, so I thought I would write myself one. Client#getLocalNPCS is what you are looking for. Oh I know that, I was having trouble figuring out if it was attackable, though It was a simple fix. Thank you though!
  4. PROGRESS REPORT #1 About a half hour of work! 1. Fixed List to only show attackable, harder said than done being as there in no built in method for getLocalNPCs(), but anyways. 2. Target List is now Functional and have a basic attack script working! More to come soon!
  5. One suggestion, and it's not because I am trying the same thing. But instead of using names to fight ONE monster, why don't you try scanning for local NPC around you, input the data into a list, so your able to choose more than one, then take the selection ids into a array, and your set! Just a idea!
  6. Free during testing, though I probably will end up putting it premium after it's stable. Though not 100% on the price, what would you guys think is fair?
  7. Yea I was thinking the same thing! Haha Thank you! Though I did plan on changing that, I really just did that to test out my method to get the name and id stored together, and inputted into a list. I also plan on adding another tab too, so your able to select your food and potions.
  8. Notori-Fighter A simple AIO Combat Script! By: NotoriousPP Grave digging to the max! Picked back up the project and am on the road of completion! Complete: Most of the Setup GUI Basic Attacking Bank support! Easy to choose targets, with multi-target support. Stable eating method, no over eating or worrying about dying. Smooth walking, that automatically handles doors if desired. Bank Path Recording (With Save/Load Features) Efficient human-like looting. In-Progress: Finish rest of Setup GUI(Mostly Cosmetic) Custom obstacle handler, for shortcuts, ladders, etc. Potion support. Special Attack Support Range/Mage Support Save/Load Loot List support To-Do: Custom Combat Handler Algorithm(For best XP/Kills per hour) Teleport Support Savable User Profiles World Hopping Smart Trainer(Predefined Level Goals, so no more worrying about over training one particular skill) Paint Preview! I know I started this thread a while ago, though now I am determined to release this! If you have any suggestions/question/comments, feel free to ask in a comment or even PM! I'll post some preview/progress photos the time I get around to creating a paint, or at least something temporary to show you guys! But until then this will have to do! Thank you for reading!
  9. Damn man that sucks. Not 100% if it was keylogger related, but my computer science teacher said if you keep your passwords stored inside of flash drive, and just copy and paste them into fields instead of typing can defend against them, not 100% how well this works though, being as it's too tedious for me, but it's a thought. Glad you got it sorted out though!
  10. I will go ahead and address this. I'm engaged to be married I've been with my fiance for 4 years - the images in your signature is disrespectful to women. If you aren't going to post something legitimate that is on-topic then just don't post just because I don't want to see a bunch of trashy women while I'm browsing the forums doesn't make me homosexual. /growup Hey dude not to shoot a low blow or anything, but I've been with my girlfriend longer than you and your fiance have been together, and have lived together the past three years, and honestly she thinks other people signatures with girls in them are funny. I don't see the problem, like if you don't want to see them, then block them. It's a free world, people can do what they want, and you can do what you want, but that doesn't mean you can tell people what they CAN and CANNOT do, just because you don't like it, doesn't make it law.
  11. RELEASE v0.01! Please let me know, what you like, what you don't. Really anything that can help me improve this! I really hope you enjoy and that it works for you also! Download: DOWNLOAD HERE Scan: Virus Total Scan Thank you once again, and enjoy!
  12. So I restarted my test with a few different tweaks, and it's running great! I'm really happy with the progress I've made! Here it is so far!(Don't mind the kills, I haven't set that up yet)
  13. At the moment, yes. But I haven't wrote my setup GUI, so I can't really change from one NPC to another yet very easily, so after I write that I will add more NPCs and more locations, because I have a few areas I would really like to add, but it will all come with time. But so far so good, almost a hour in and have gained quite a few combat lvls with a newbie account.
  14. I went back and changed the fonts in the paint, yet still kept the Rasta, for one, I like the color combo, and two I wanted to keep some humor about my bot, because it's about herbs. Hehe(Lame. Yes I know.) But I got the loot working a bit better, also now opens doors, and just started a extended test to see how it goes! I'll post before and after images to compare, yet I do not have a running timer yet, so I'll just state how long I ran it for afterwards.
  15. Java is like C#, not C++ in my opinion. I picked up C# really quickly, but lagged heavily on C++ because it reminded me of JavaScript which I truly do not like.
  16. NOTORIOUS HERBS v0.01 Description: Ever wanted to level herblore or even just needed a extra potions, yet don't have enough money or supplies to train with? Notorious Herbs hopefully can fix that! This simply kills NPC's to gather herbs, while also getting a little extra combat XP on the side(Also adding loot table later for extra GP). This is also personally one of my favorite ways of making gp in Rs07. Download: DOWNLOAD HERE Scan: Virus Total Scan Finished: Attacks NPC Set when to Eat Multiple Food Support Banks for food(Edgeville) Looting(Herbs) Open Door Support Setup GUI To-Do: Valuable Loot besides Herbs More NPCs More Locations Preview: Please give me any feedback, on what to fix, how you like it, what you don't like. Really anything I could improve! This is all a learning a experience so any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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