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Trade With Caution
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About Five6Ace

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  1. maybe posting the quest tab aswell every once in a while would be a good idea? I would like to folo this but i have no clue where ur progress is at.. I mean i can see the 148 qp but, to see if u have done the bigger quests, idk
  2. im trying to see if it is infact worth it to risk my 70 smithing to have 85 mining. I have gotten price checks for both individual lvls now I want to see if there really is a difference. I will "like" every honest value. the account is nfs as of now, so please dont ask. - the levels will be as follows lvl 3 cmbt -10hp -70 smithing -85 mining every other level will be 1 all price checking comments are greatly appreciated!
  3. ok thanks every1 for the price check... I appreciate the heads up...
  4. sorry wont be able to post an progress. i was using a 24 hour trial. during my first hours i wasnt able to pick a spot bfor i left for work as the iron ores in varrock east were pretty packed. wen i got home i set it up again and it ran through out the nite but lucky me, rs updated a few hours in.. so the script shut off. i found this morning it went from 26 to 42. I seem to run out of trial time. ohwell guess thats the luck of the game. Overall tho I would rate it 4/5 stars for what i saw. 5/5 if i knew *myself* that it could run for hours on end without an issue. although Im sure it can, I just didnt get to see it. -will definatly keep this script in mind when it comes to purchasing. Im still looking at a few others. - thanks for the trial czar
  5. sorry for the lame noobish comment but wow i cant beileve this thing literally will start anywhere in rs. i first started in fally underground mine and tried iron ores (not realizing i set it to varrock east mine) and it walked the whole way there.. I then wanted a more hidden location (sorry will not disclose) but it walked about just as far to that location as well! I will post a progress report very soon the xp per hour mite be low but thats because im starting from 26 mining powermining iron
  6. Thanks ill give it a shot now I can post a proggy too wen I get back from work, in 10 hours. IV heard good things about ur scripts czar. But ivv never personally tried em out. 8.99 is a lil high compared to scripts IV been buying so I wana make sure I like it. Thanks again
  7. Hey feel free to price check a lvl 3 cmbt with 85 mining. No other skills or lvls past 1. Except the obvious 10 hp
  8. yea i did notice that name spamming.. but at the same time i didnt see that as a big deal.. to me it was still flawless lol. anyway glad to hear about injection.. im not too sure if i should trust injection though. and hopefully this mirror thing will get all cleared up
  9. i knew i should print screen on that extra walkpath... damn lmao. ima start that up again and see if it goes there... the 2nd walk path was flashing as if it was glitching? if that helps. and yea i am running mirror as you can see this one is walking towards the opposite direction... keep in mind tho that this walkpath is flashing very fast almost like a strobe lite =P. meaning it shows a path to the bank then this way. I had to check my print screen a few times before I caught it in this direction. but yet while it is flashing this is the way it is walking.. heres a picture of of the path its taking (during 1 "flash"
  10. heres 1 error. that was ran for no more than an hour. and itll find its way outside the designated area. When i went to recover it back to designated location while the script was running. Which I always try to do. This time was a little weird.. it showed 2 sets of yellow square paths... 1 set was headed towards what looked like barbarian village. and it was choosing that over the one that led to the furnace. and as u can see, i had ores in my inventory well see what gets me is that nothing has changed. between literally last weekend and this weekend. computer wise anyway. I only use this computer for botting. no1 else is on the internet when i bot. and last weekend (begining of the month) your script was Flawless. smithing, smelting everything. now im seeing problems... so leads me to believe maybe a client issue
  11. where are these long running scripts being ran at? Iv been doing edgeville. every once in a while when a lag happens (i guess) mine -----clicks SW of the glory tele spot and it will get stuck and stand there for hours or log out, 1 of the 2. or -----it will lag and withdraw 2 ring of forgings and it will keep clicking the ring (outside the bank menu) untill i fix it or logs out... but this is more often with updates.. version 110 was perfect. 113 had problems. Ill see with 114 =/ *fingers crossed*
  12. as of this minute I have a lvl 70 smither and a lvl 69 smither.. in this picture you can see my 69. once it hits 70 the stats of the 2 accounts will be identical *except* for the exp obviously. these are both lvl 3 combat. no bans. original owner. obviously botted, because well, this is a botting website excuse the picture its only the relevant information i am not good at posting these either =/ sorry just looking for a price check. yes it is 2 accounts so if any1 wants to post please put amount and say if its for 1 acc or for both.. thanks to every1 posting and good luck and be safe out there
  13. thanks yall.. good to see "big names" welcome me back. back in 2013 i always found that the sponsors and up were always conceited and rude. apparently not the case now!
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