sorry wont be able to post an progress. i was using a 24 hour trial. during my first hours i wasnt able to pick a spot bfor i left for work as the iron ores in varrock east were pretty packed. wen i got home i set it up again and it ran through out the nite but lucky me, rs updated a few hours in.. so the script shut off. i found this morning it went from 26 to 42. I seem to run out of trial time. ohwell guess thats the luck of the game. Overall tho I would rate it 4/5 stars for what i saw. 5/5 if i knew *myself* that it could run for hours on end without an issue. although Im sure it can, I just didnt get to see it.
-will definatly keep this script in mind when it comes to purchasing. Im still looking at a few others.
- thanks for the trial czar