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Trade With Caution
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About Deedar

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  1. Deedar


    Well there was 5. Lightsy when to bed. G4ng posted my IPs which he said were mine so I posted his and we got banned.
  2. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/51696-deedar-vps-seller-hacks-my-obby-mauler/ 0 Evidence.
  3. Nope because the retard below me put a dispute which has 0 evidence in it.
  4. why would u get twc for spamming lol
  5. the resources to monitor the actions of every individual account would cost more than how much their revenue
  6. Deedar


    jmod confirmef
  7. if they can monitor that jagex might as well be the nsa
  8. 10 accs 1ip gets dced logs into 6 of them, all disfonnected tjen banned gives other accs to a friend to log in no bans waits 48hrs before logging in on the four accs no ban repeated pattern for me
  9. Deedar


    Bot f2p while it's here, there's no guarantee it's going to be permanent!
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