hi we have like 4 mods? dex, asuna, khal, genii and epilson as cba
they all do a good job as mod but i just think they should be more active in that chatbox (besides epsilon and asuna). they are never in that chatbox? sure they're active on the forum but more people come to the chatbox for quick help, in which me and the chatbox crew dont mind helping but it's just no mods are ever there... which kinda just is like ┐(´•_•`)┌
i think the point of mod is to be active on the forums AND the chatbox, sometimes one or two join but just afk... so it's there's no point if youre going to afk in the chatbox whilst holding a respected rank.
though ofc no 1 likes authority figures in the chatbox but i want to base this in the staffs activity in the chatbox
tldr: more mod activity in chatbox activity rather than forum only