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Everything posted by Wizard
I'm unsure of why you made this decision, but If you ever want to work for SSF the door will always be open. What about me, can i join you?
You should have released it -.-
You have my support :huehue: #saynotossf
Nice to see you code Sir, good luck and this is going to be a really helpful script to use
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! LMAO, I can vouch the code of GG's script is different from SSF and the GUI design is not original(not Dash's). its the simplest design for this kind of scripts. So GG.. Good luck :hurr:
huehue nice job ;)
Screw this, IRC! NOW! irc.rizon.com #osbot
It is online, the official IRC have always been online!
1 and 6, choose one of them1!!
Nice to see this!! And also im working on a script that works the same. So expect that too :p
Wrong, i wrote the whole tracker, he just did the fading part(I suck at math)
So, as there is no more team NovumNation anymore, I decided to release this skill tracker that i made for the team' API back then. Features: -Neat -Tracks all the skills -You can specify which skills to fade and which not Im not going to explain how to add it, its quite simple for you to figure how to add it if you have a basic understanding of Java. The code was written to work with a different framework, so I rewrote it fast, thus you may find some errors. SkillWrapper.Java public class SkillWrapper { private int startXp; private int currentXp; private int startLevel; private int prevGainedXp; private long lastGainedXP; public boolean keep = false; public SkillWrapper(int startXp, int currentXp, int startLevel) { this.startXp = startXp; this.currentXp = currentXp; this.startLevel = startLevel; } public int getSecTNL(int xpTNL) { final int gains = getHourlyGains(); return (gains == 0) ? 0 : (int) ((3600L * xpTNL) / (long) gains); } public int getHourlyGains() { long time = getRuntime(NNScript.startTime); return (time == 0L) ? 0 : (int) ((3600000D * (currentXp - startXp)) / time); } public int getGainedXp() { return currentXp - startXp; } public long getRuntime(long startTime) { return (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } public void setCurrentXp(int currentXp) { this.currentXp = currentXp; if (currentXp != startXp && getGainedXp() > prevGainedXp) { lastGainedXP = System.currentTimeMillis(); prevGainedXp = getGainedXp(); } } public int getStartXp() { return startXp; } public int getCurrentXp() { return currentXp; } public int getStartLevel() { return startLevel; } public long getLastGainedXP() { return lastGainedXP; } public void reset() { this.startXp = 0; this.currentXp = 0; } public static String SecToHMS(int sec) { int min = sec / 60; sec %= 60; int hour = min / 60; min %= 60; return "" + hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec; } } SkillTracker.java public class SkillTracker { private Script s; private Map<Skill, SkillWrapper> skills; public SkillTracker(Script s, Skill... skills) { this.s = s; this.skills = new HashMap<Skill, SkillWrapper>(); for (Skill s1 : Skill.values()) { add(s1); } for(Skill s1 : skills) { if(this.skills.containsKey(s1)) { getWrapper(s1).keep = true; } } } public void updateAll() { for (Map.Entry<Skill, SkillWrapper> m : skills.entrySet()) { update(m.getKey()); } } public void update(Skill skill) { if (skills.containsKey(skill)) { getWrapper(skill).setCurrentXp(s.client.getSkills().getExperience(skill)); } } public void add(Skill skill) { if (!skills.containsKey(skill)) { skills.put(skill, new SkillWrapper(s.client.getSkills().getExperience(skill), 0, s.client.getSkills().getLevel(skill))); update(skill); } } public void remove(Skill skill) { if (skills.containsKey(skill)) { getWrapper(skill).reset(); skills.remove(skill); } } public SkillWrapper getWrapper(Skill skill) { return skills.get(skill); } public Map<Skill, SkillWrapper> getSkills() { return skills; } } SkillTrackerPaint.java public class SkillTrackerPaint { private Script s; private SkillTracker tracker; public static final int[] XP_TABLE = {0, 0, 83, 174, 276, 388, 512, 650, 801, 969, 1154, 1358, 1584, 1833, 2107, 2411, 2746, 3115, 3523, 3973, 4470, 5018, 5624, 6291, 7028, 7842, 8740, 9730, 10824, 12031, 13363, 14833, 16456, 18247, 20224, 22406, 24815, 27473, 30408, 33648, 37224, 41171, 45529, 50339, 55649, 61512, 67983, 75127, 83014, 91721, 101333, 111945, 123660, 136594, 150872, 166636, 184040, 203254, 224466, 247886, 273742, 302288, 333804, 368599, 407015, 449428, 496254, 547953, 605032, 668051, 737627, 814445, 899257, 992895, 1096278, 1210421, 1336443, 1475581, 1629200, 1798808, 1986068, 2192818, 2421087, 2673114, 2951373, 3258594, 3597792, 3972294, 4385776, 4842295, 5346332, 5902831, 6517253, 7195629, 7944614, 8771558, 9684577, 10692629, 11805606, 13034431 }; private Color MAIN_BOX; private Color MAIN_REFLECTION; private Color HOVER_RECT; private final Font ARIAL_9 = new Font("Arial", 0, 9); private final Font ARIAL_12 = new Font("Arial", 0, 12); private Color MAIN_COLOR = null; private Color MAIN_TRIM = null; private Color FONT_COLOR; private Rectangle hover; public SkillTrackerPaint(Script s, Skill... skills) { this.s = s; tracker = new SkillTracker(this.s, skills); } public void paint(Graphics g) { if (!tracker.getSkills().isEmpty()) { tracker.updateAll(); int y = 3; for (Map.Entry<Skill, SkillWrapper> entry : tracker.getSkills().entrySet()) { long lastGainedXP = entry.getValue().getLastGainedXP(); int alpha = 255; if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastGainedXP < 30000 || entry.getValue().keep) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastGainedXP >= 29000 && !entry.getValue().keep) { long timeLeft = 30000 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastGainedXP); //0-5000 alpha = (int) (255D * (timeLeft / 1000D)); } drawBar(g, y, entry.getKey(), alpha); hover = new Rectangle(345, y, 166, 20); if (NNScript.mousePosition != null) if (hover.contains(NNScript.mousePosition)) drawHover(g, y, entry.getKey()); y += 21; } } } } private void drawBar(Graphics g1, int y, Skill s, int alpha) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1; g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); Color mCol = new Color(Colors.forSkill(s).getColor()); MAIN_COLOR = new Color(mCol.getRed(), mCol.getGreen(), mCol.getBlue(), alpha); Color tCol = new Color(Colors.forSkill(s).getTrim()); MAIN_TRIM = new Color(tCol.getRed(), tCol.getGreen(), tCol.getBlue(), alpha); MAIN_BOX = new Color(0, 0, 0, alpha - 55 > 0 ? alpha - 55 : 0); MAIN_REFLECTION = new Color(255, 255, 255, alpha - 205 > 0 ? alpha - 205 : 0); HOVER_RECT = new Color(0, 0, 0, alpha - 104 > 0 ? alpha - 104 : 0); FONT_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 255, alpha); g.setColor(MAIN_BOX); g.fillRect(4 + 346, y, 166, 20); g.setColor(MAIN_COLOR); g.fillRect(4 + 429, y + 2, 80, 15); g.setColor(MAIN_TRIM); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.drawRect(4 + 429, y + 2, 80, 15); g.fillRect(4 + 429, y + 2, (int) (getPercentToNextLevel(s) * 0.81), 14); g.drawRect(4 + 429, y + 2, (int) (getPercentToNextLevel(s) * 0.81), 14); g.setColor(MAIN_REFLECTION); g.fillRect(4 + 429, y + 2, 80, 9); g.setFont(ARIAL_12); g.setColor(FONT_COLOR); g.drawString(s.toString(), 4 + 348, y + 14); g.setFont(ARIAL_9); g.drawString(getPercentToNextLevel(s) + "% to level", 4 + 442, y + 13); } private void drawHover(Graphics g1, int y, Skill s) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1; g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.setColor(MAIN_TRIM); g.drawPolygon(new Polygon(new int[]{335 + 185, 335 + 180, 335 + 185}, new int[]{y + 2, y + 10, y + 20}, 3)); g.setColor(HOVER_RECT); g.fill(new Polygon(new int[]{335 + 185, 335 + 180, 335 + 185}, new int[]{y + 2, y + 10, y + 20}, 3)); if (y >= (505 - 90)) y = 505 - 90; g.setColor(MAIN_TRIM); g.drawRect(335 + 185, y, 131, 85); g.setColor(MAIN_COLOR); g.fillRect(335 + 185, y, 131, 85); g.setColor(FONT_COLOR); g.setFont(ARIAL_9); g.drawString("Current level: " + this.s.client.getSkills().getLevel(s), 335 + 189, y + 14); g.drawString("Gained levels: " + (this.s.client.getSkills().getLevel(s) - tracker.getWrapper(s).getStartLevel()), 335 + 189, y + 25); g.drawString("Current xp: " + this.s.client.getSkills().getExperience(s), 335 + 189, y + 36); g.drawString("Gained xp: " + tracker.getWrapper(s).getGainedXp(), 335 + 189, y + 47); g.drawString("XP TNL: " + getExpToNextLevel(s), 335 + 189, y + 58); g.drawString("XP/Hour: " + tracker.getWrapper(s).getHourlyGains(), 335 + 189, y + 69); g.drawString("Time TNL: " + SkillWrapper.SecToHMS(tracker.getWrapper(s).getSecTNL(getExpToNextLevel(s))), 335 + 189, y + 80); } public int getPercentToNextLevel(final Skill skill) { final int lvl = s.client.getSkills().getLevel(skill); if (lvl == 99) { return 0; } final int xpTotal = XP_TABLE[lvl + 1] - XP_TABLE[lvl]; if (xpTotal == 0) { return 0; } final int xpDone = s.client.getSkills().getExperience(skill) - XP_TABLE[lvl]; return 100 * xpDone / xpTotal; } public int getExpToNextLevel(final Skill skill) { final int lvl = s.client.getSkills().getLevel(skill); if (lvl == 99) { return 0; } return XP_TABLE[lvl + 1] - s.client.getSkills().getExperience(skill); } enum Colors { AGILITY(Skill.AGILITY, 0x1f215b, 0x6b1f1a), ATTACK(Skill.ATTACK, 0x6b1f1a, 0x98931b), CONSTRUCTION(Skill.CONSTRUCTION, 0x8b816f, 0x945819), COOKING(Skill.COOKING, 0x451f44, 0x5c1406), CRAFTING(Skill.CRAFTING, 0x6d533c, 0x6d533c), DEFENCE(Skill.DEFENCE, 0x6375b0, 0xc1b9b8), FARMING(Skill.FARMING, 0x214b23, 0x6c8649), FIREMAKING(Skill.FIREMAKING, 0xa24508, 0xb29a06), FISHING(Skill.FISHING, 0x687a88, 0xa69718), FLETCHING(Skill.FLETCHING, 0x02272f, 0xa46108), HERBLORE(Skill.HERBLORE, 0x085a0d, 0x989428), HITPOINTS(Skill.HITPOINTS, 0xb2b0a6, 0xa12111), HUNTER(Skill.HUNTER, 0x454135, 0x150f0f), MAGIC(Skill.MAGIC, 0x6a6964, 0x191f6d), MINING(Skill.MINING, 0x322f1e, 0x548faf), PRAYER(Skill.PRAYER, 0xbdb3b3, 0xbe8f18), RANGED(Skill.RANGED, 0x4d6317, 0x7c4728), RUNECRAFTING(Skill.RUNECRAFTING, 0xa2a196, 0xcdb317), SLAYER(Skill.SLAYER, 0x1f1c1c, 0x6f170d), SMITHING(Skill.SMITHING, 0x494939, 0xcdb317), STRENGTH(Skill.STRENGTH, 0x086844, 0xa12111), THIEVING(Skill.THIEVING, 0x6a3b5a, 0x383333), WOORDCUTTING(Skill.WOODCUTTING, 0x826a3b, 0x2d6541); private Colors(Skill skill, int color, int trim) { this.skill = skill; this.color = color; this.trim = trim; } public static Colors forSkill(Skill skill) { for (Colors c : Colors.values()) { if (c.getSkill() == skill) return c; } return null; } int getTrim() { return trim; } Skill getSkill() { return skill; } int getColor() { return color; } private Skill skill; private int color; private int trim; } } How to use: In your main class, add: private Skill[] skills = null; private SkillTrackerPaint stPaint = null; public static long startTime; public static Point mousePosition; onStart method, add: skills = {Skills.ATTACK.. etc} //to make it always display the progress of those skills and not fade after 20 secs if (skills != null && skills.length > 0) stPaint = new SkillTrackerPaint(this, skills); onPaint method, add: if (stPaint != null) { stPaint.paint(g); } mouseMoved method, add: mousePosition = a.getPoint(); Final results(skills.add(Skills.values()) Credits: Gandalf Cory
Next Super? Next Global? Next Chatbox? Gandalf(me)
I like the idea to have another script of this type, good luck mate.
Why you dont deserve moderator: making a thread like this!
The greatest lines in the history of Pokemon
Wizard replied to Catastrophe's topic in Spam/Off Topic
If you know how to code, then take a look at the API and get to know it The Main class of your script must extends the class Script which contains the main methods of every basic script onStart onLoop onEnd onPaint
If today was your last day of living, what would you do?
Wizard replied to Popular's topic in Spam/Off Topic
Meh, I think ill just wait for tomorrow.. -
Just one note: randomize your path, generate a new path every time you walk (add random to the next position) that way you can reduce the chance of getting banned
Step one: Download LoL Step two: If you downloaded it successfully, then delete system32 folder which can be found "C:/WINDOWS/" because you play LoL Step three: re Install your operating system and never thing about playing that game Thank, hope it helps