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Led Zeppelin

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Led Zeppelin

  1. i have to call bull because they can lock it than post then unlock it....
  2. this goes in errors/bugs, also try updating your JDK: Java SE Downloads if that doesn't work try the steps in this guide http://osbot.org/forum/topic/7930-bot-help-thread-post-here-if-the-bot-doesnt-workwindows/
  3. Do you have the most recent Client and JDK? and the right JDK? (x86 vs x64 DOES matter) Java SE Downloads Also if its not the CPU it could be RAM. how much RAM do you have? Go into your client settings and turn off all debugs but FPS and see if the issue improves. Possibly try with "low cpu" checked.
  4. I dont think that will happen unless that person changes their name or gets banned.
  5. If the base image/template is copyrighted its plagiarism.
  6. Do you have the most recent JDK and the right one? x86 vs x64 matters: Java SE Downloads
  7. Hey, I have seen you around the foums and you seem nice :D.

    1. BotRS123


      I have never seen you before! :P

    2. Led Zeppelin

      Led Zeppelin

      Well you usually post before or after me ;)

  8. Do you have the right JDK? this does matter x86 vs x64. make sure to get the right one and uninstall the wrong one if that is the case: Java SE Downloads
  9. need any further assistance?
  10. They had this working and still have a method for it but they haven't re implemented it since 1.7.17
  11. ????? when it comes back i just click on it and it goes away.
  12. Are you on the most recent client?
  13. Thank you for the help, Appreciate it! need any further assistance?
  14. the @@Laz does not notify as that hook has yet to be installed. it only works for me to use @ because i have the local hook installed.
  15. 20 post to post in the market and 40 for services
  16. Are you on normal Runescape not Oldschool? Because it works for me and seems to work for everyone else, I'll post a screeny of it. It depends on the ban, my main from 2003 got banned with 100k hours and it counted all the way down and now just says "error connecting to server" anytime i try to log in.
  17. Led Zeppelin


    no? or yes? lol
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