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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Hey there! Bought the script and it runs great but i have a general question. I ran this on a brand new lvl 3 account, and the account doesn't have the ability to trade/drop trade because of jagex's new rule of 20 hours/10 qp/100 total lvl. Any suggestions on getting this wealth to a mule?
  2. may i have a trial please
  3. added on skype, i'll ask for confirmation pm first
  4. Could I get a free trial of this? 24 hours should be enough to know if it is better than the other rooftop script Extreme rooftop agility has issues with every single course up to and including faladore. I ran fally for 7 hours at 7k xp per hour...bc it just sits there.
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