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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Impensus

  1. VPN/Datacentre proxies encounter frequent locks its just how the system works. Use a residential proxy or just quickly unlock with the email you get.
  2. In the project structure have you changed your compile output to be the osbot scripts directory?
  3. Private scripts are usually made because a public script for it doesn't exist. Like you said, a premium script that does 'x' task would be hardly any different to a private script that does 'x'. Because private scripts focus on these tasks that are not commonly botted they are watched far less and reports are also lower contributing to the phrase "private scripts have less of a ban rate" which as a whole is not entirely true. Hopefully this helps!
  4. Probably to discourage you from attempting to bot on an account you care about. You will likely lose money for a long time while you learn to bot.
  5. You mean Low CPU mode and disable client rendering right? CLI is the command line tool for launching clients. Also afaik running 1 or more bots per client doesn’t impact the amount of RAM used massively as you still have to open and render an instance of the game. It will use slightly less RAM as it’s all happening from 1x client but nothing substantial.
  6. I can't see it being possible to use 8Gb of ram for 25 bots. The client averages around 500Mb - 1Gb of RAM per client depending on the script.
  7. 40-50 clients with this depending how resource intensive your scripts are
  8. I fixed the issue it was due to me sending the response from python as Utf-8 encoded text and trying to receive in Java as utf-8 this messes up something somewhere. Sending as bytes then converting fixed it. using port 8080 doesn’t matter I can use whatever port I like as it’s an internal application. In addition to this I only need to send the message once and get the reply from the server so there isn’t a need for the loop.
  9. Hi guys, I am using a java client to communicate to a python server (done as I know python well but my Java knowledge can be shaky) but I am encountering some issues. The client code looks like this: public String serverMuleRequest() { try { Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 8080); DataOutputStream dataoutput = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); DataInputStream datainput = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); dataoutput.writeUTF("MULE"); dataoutput.flush(); String str = datainput.readUTF();//in.readLine(); System.out.println("String: " + str); dataoutput.close(); datainput.close(); socket.close(); return str; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } @Override public void onStart() { log("Test"); String strng = serverMuleRequest(); log("Your string"); log(strng); } The python code looks like this: data = client_socket.recv(size) javaRequest = data.decode('utf-8') if 'q^' in data.decode('utf-8'): print('Received request for exit from: ' + str( address[0]) + ':' + str(address[1])) break if("MULE" in javaRequest): looper = 1 print("Java request: " +javaRequest) while(looper > 0): try: muleID, muleName, muleLoc = getMuleDetails(muleaccountpointer) sendData = ("MULE_INFO:" +str(muleID) + ":" + str(muleName) + ":" + str(muleLoc) + ":") client_socket.send(sendData.encode('utf-8')) When I call the java code the following happens: 1. Test is printed to the console. 2. The socket connection is established and the python server sends over the correct message (tested with a python client). 3. After this the log("your string") and log(strng) will not actually run. I am unsure if something I have done in the socket function would cause this. Does anyone have any ideas as I am a bit stuck! Thanks!
  10. Formatting has been changed and the first (long overdue) update too!
  11. I do exchange context as show and extend method provider but the issue persists.
  12. What is the alternative? I am kind of new to OO programming coming from Python & C/C++. I have figured everything else out so far but this seems to be the last kind of hurdle for now. I only wanted to implement basic 1x line sleeps instead of conditional sleeps everywhere for basic code. Try catching everything wouldn't achieve this.
  13. Hi guys! I am trying to use multiple classes to ease my debugging and readability. When I make a new class and use throws 'InterruptedException' after the function declaration this allows me to use functions such as: sleep(random(670,944)); in my main I do the following: private GielenorGuide doGilGuide = new GielenorGuide(); doGilGuide.exchangeContext(getBot()); However, this means when I exchange context in the onStart function and call doGilGuide.Functionname(); The script will not start. Removing the throws InterruptedException from all function declerations will allow my script to work but at the cost of having to use conditional sleeps for literally everything which is a very verbose solution for things where you just want a simple sleep. Is there any way I can make it so I can just use sleeps while still being able to exchange context within my main.
  14. To combine all client streams would I have to make a sort of 'server'/central application client side that takes the message from the client and then transfers that +messages from any other client to the server then gathers the responses and distributes them accordingly?
  15. I am running an external server and attempting to connect to the server via sockets. The server code will take bot mule requests and return a mule name and location + prompt the mule to login. My question is can I get away with making it not multi-threaded and just listen on one port as there will be very very few times requests would overlap?
  16. Hi guys, I am attempting to create a socket based muling system but I have a few questions about the integration. When using sockets on a certain port will I have to create a multi-threaded listening script on the server? Would it instead work to just send the request and expect a reply and if the server was busy dealing with the request to wait a random amount of time 1-2 seconds and send again? Obviously with 100-200 accounts the chance of two muling at the same time is quite low but still it can happen, especially as my farm scales. Also I heard occasionally that sockets/ certain aspects of sockets are disabled in Osbot, can anyone clarify what I am limited to with sockets? Thanks guys!
  17. Thank you for your comment mate! I actually did try once before and failed (about 2 years back) but now I’ve learned several languages and feel I’m ready to tackle this. i need to update the thread also as I have Database integration, account creator, account unlocker and a web panel made plus 1/2 tutorial island and 2/4 F2P scripts done. I only really have to sort out automated muling and 7qp and then it’s tying it all together adding things I missed and bug fixes.
  18. Yup my adblocker updated. Cheers!
  19. Title ^. On the home screen I cannot see the recent posts. It looks like so when I load in: https://gyazo.com/0c16e3491c5c7ca5907716e0fad7a217 Anyone got any Idea? I haven't changed any settings to my browser and I am using an up to date version of chrome.
  20. Do NMZ with defensive casting. IIRC starting at like 75 mage you can get from 1 Defence - 70 defence by the time you reach 80/85ish Mage
  21. It's good you guys are actively pushing towards making Osbot a better client and the research etc your doing is great. From my experience here on Osbot I would definitely take Alek's advice he knows his stuff.
  22. Lmao were at a time and place where an Osbot dev is getting called out by greys. He knows his stuff and doesn't have to provide 'evidence' to explain this topic to people who don't understand. He has told you about Autoclickers being detected and it's up to you if you accept his claims or not. If you believe otherwise then ignoring the advice of someone behind a large amount of Osbot's history isn't the best direction to go in. From my interpretation Alek was specifying that there was more ways to detect the autoclicker than you had mentioned and that all of these would have to be accounted for before you claim your autoclicker is 'undetected' as theoretically Jagex could use any single one of these methods to detect the autoclicker.
  23. Welcome to the Osbot community! Your java experience will be very useful, the api is very user friendly. I’d recommend jumping in feet first and trying very ambitious projects as chances are you will find them easier than you think.
  24. I didn’t make mine asynchronously I just spawn new threads when it is needed by the farm or on a timed basis. I don’t think you need to try super hard to get it working asynchronously as using requests will be so lightweight. It would be beneficial if you were still using selenium however.
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