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Everything posted by Toadfly

  1. Fix the bank pin bug by any chance?
  2. I'm the chat with the dashes, lmao. Hilarious, he's "watching netflix ;)" Love the fellow botting community<3
  3. You guys are all assholes, lmao.
  4. O.O Damn you fooled me with the pee break, man. Enjoy your 10 minutes of OSBot freedom, then get your @$$ back here now.
  5. I actually like this idea alot. And then once a script is released, they can lock their previous topic and post one in either the SDN Scripts or the Local Scripts board.
  6. I too don't script, but this is nice. Now we need a method for agility objects, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm almost positive agility objects aren't recognized.
  7. Love it! Great job guys, downloading now!
  8. Toadfly

    Work piece

    You need to calm down man, I have nothing against you. Its a piece of art, and I disagree that it needed to be sized down. It has empty space, agreed, but it has nice contrast of colors, and it adds a mysterious tone to the piece, and I like the fact its so big. If it was smaller, it would look like a signature of the girl, but with the empty space it looks somewhat mysterious and its easier to see the contrast.
  9. Probably some other reasons too, but basically what Maldesto is saying, is calm down. The developers are getting angry because they've warned you countless times and you keep posting topics about how you don't like things, and that you want it to to be the way you want it, and you've done what for the community? Bash me, and the way things are done here? I'm sure the staff here aren't very happy with you. And telling you your signature is 440x330? Is it not that size?
  10. I'm not flaming you nor do I have anything against you. I did not ban you, and I would not have banned you, but your whining was completely unnecessary and its somewhat funny. I'm sure they will let you back at some point.
  11. Well I was honestly sick of your whining, so I'm more than happy.
  12. Toadfly

    Work piece

    Coming from the kid whos siganture is 440x330. Its not a signature, its a piece he made, just GFX, art to look at, which means it can be as big as he'd like.
  13. Toadfly

    Work piece

    Nice use of the brightness and contrast/darkness. I like it alot. The blue is pretty effective too, nice look overall.
  14. http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/5067/toppx.png The render is rather shit, but would have been a nice touch if it was cut out properly, anyways, enjoy.
  15. Toadfly


    Looks good, nice size too rather than being huge like most of your signatures, regardless good work.
  16. Toadfly

    Script Cleanup

    Of course, which is not that hard really. Most people comment saying whether the bot works or not, and that eliminates most of the disabled bots.
  17. Toadfly

    Script Cleanup

    Perhaps, but there are definitely some scripts around here that work, and the scripter has been gone far longer than 7 days. I just think if the bot is no longer working, the topic should be locked until the script is working again, otherwise, keep it lock.
  18. Toadfly

    Script Cleanup

    I think there needs to be somebody, either a moderator or perhaps even a new rank that has access to lock topics for scripts that are no longer working. I think they need to take the download link down, and lock the thread until the poster updates the script to the point where its working. Otherwise, noobs will keep necroposting old scripts that are no longer working, and end up on live chat asking why their script isn't working. Not only that, it will clean up the forums a little bit. Just an idea.
  19. Woot! Glad to hear it, I just posted a thread about the bank pin not working, wasn't sure if you guys were aware or not, and I didn't find any similar topics. Anyways, good job guys your doing a wonderful job with plenty of updates!
  20. Loving the updates coming out, they come out at such a great pace and you guys are doing a wonderful job, keep it up!
  21. Toadfly


    Love it, great atmosphere. Nice use of colors and as Kati stated great use of the paint splatter, looks nice.
  22. Switch worlds, seems to help. Sometimes its just the world your on. I seem to be doing fine and I'm running through the bot. If you running through the bot, then I suggest just playing from the website, the website (obviously) runs faster.
  23. I must say that since I've been here, (Only a week or so) OSBot has made massive improvements to their bot, community, and thier scripts. You guys have been taking giant steps forward and I congratulate on doing such a great job managing time, the bot, and the community to perfect an awesome outcome, I couldn't ask for a better community and staff, thank you so much OSBot Team<3
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