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haru123 last won the day on November 9 2023

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  1. Awesome! Thank you so much for the lesser potion and herb support!!!! Any plans on adding in summer garden or any of the 1 click methods? Theres a 1 click for summer and autumn gardens i believe. If not its all good. Just getting support for all 4 gardens work too. Super ironman friendly that way. They can get both herbs and 1-99 thieving via fruits and quite a few farming levels too.
  2. What about not requiring it to have to bring stamina potions? What about no potions of lesser potions like energy and super energy potions for ironman accounts. Stamina require such high herblore level and it kinda defeats the point of having the lesser gardens if youre required to have stamina potions.
  3. Will you be adding herb collecting support? Would like to have the option to gather herbs too for ironman accounts.
  4. Can i set a specific name for a poh or does it use the advertisement board thingy?
  5. Can i use this to chop in the hardwood grove?
  6. Is desert mining supported?
  7. haru123

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Can i start this on an account fresh off tutorial island in lumbridge?
  8. Does it have support for Blast Furnace bank and anvils?
  9. Can i use this for silver crafting?
  10. haru123

    Czar Guardians

    Any plans to add support for the quests required for unlocking lunars for npc contact?
  11. Can this be used for bossing? Thinking bout buying a bunch of scripts but want to make sure they can be used for what i want to use them for first.
  12. haru123

    Czar Barrows

    Does this support that door skip item thingy? Or any plans to add it?
  13. Honestly, im no one special. Im not a scripter, an admin, a content crator, or anything. Im just lil ol Haru. Ive been playing runescape since the early days, as far back as classic even. My knowledge of the game is very far and vast. Im more of a skiller than anything so i inow quite a few "hidden gem" methods related to skilling. Ive been active in the botting community for ages, but ive always just been lurking in the shadows more than anything. And now ive finally decided it time for me to stop hiding in the shadows and start trying to be more active. I have a strange "addiction" per say of making tons of new accounts and playing for a while then never touching them again so i thought might be a good idea to start selling those extra accounts since i never use them. Eventually id like to start selling gold/accounts/items and building a reputation for that stuff as well as building a reputation of being a helpful person in the botting community. The good part about making so many accounts is that i can also use them to test new features that scripters want to add to their scripts. If i can help anyone in any way, dont be afraid to ask for it. I love helping people as much as i can.
  14. Ive talked to a few scripters about this. It seems theres 2 options in the end. Either its too annoying to code due to certain reasons (eg the fact that theres like a million things going on at once) or theyd code it but keep it as a private script cuz the amount of money you can make is pretty high. It seems the higher the potential gp/h is, the less likely there will be a public script for it. Pretty much why raids dont have any scripts.....well public ones anyways.
  15. This really just makes the most logical sense. I think they have some processing power set aside thats is for specific skills in which they do a deep analysis of players to see if bots or not. Skills that take forever and are generally super boring such as runecrafting and agility. Even if you bot small sessions with major breaks on skills like that, you can still get banned. I was just recently runecrafting via abyss for only 2 hour sessions with 5 to 6 hour breaks between and no more than 4 hours a day and got a 2 day ban still. No body really uses the abyss for anything now adays so makes you wonder how they detect rc bots. Thats just my two cents though.
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