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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. Soon the Illuminati will take over


    Not quite sure if the Illuminati exist myself but I think it is quite apparent that someone/group are pulling the strings behind the government. There is a whole lot of shit we don't know and to be quite honest I don't think we really do want to know.

  2. Russell Brand is a very intelligent guy and speaks a hell of a lot of sense, problem is the world is controlled by money and its only when we cut down the last tree we will realise money doesn't provide us with oxygen. Everyone has a lot to say about these problems but nobody can really do fuck all about it because in todays society money comes first in most peoples lives. I have no hope for the future we are shooting ourselves in the foot.

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  3. Unfortunately the people calling the shots such as politicians are the ones committing these crimes, as a soldier you are conditioned to obey commands. You are brainwashed to be the killing machine that the state wants. If you refuse to do as told you will be a traitor some people who join the forces really don't understand what they are getting themselves into until its too late. Soldiers and civilians are pawns and nations leaders who sit back and do nothing but call the shots are the kings.

  4. I agree with everything other than the signing up for the forces. Sure now we can just sign up, but before there was the draft. And if there was another large scale war I'm sure it'd be back again.


    And I think hope that our current world leaders are smart enough to not use such a devastating weapon. The problem would be when you get those maniac suicidal leaders that wants death to everything moving. 


    Yes I agree they would be likely to do a draft, but from what I am aware there was a world population of less than 2.5 billion in 1938. Today there is over 7.2 billion. This could obviously mean each country has more people meaning there would just be bigger forces; or it could mean there may not necessarily be a draft.


    There was a population of around 5 billion people in 2000, that means that in 62 years there was a growth in population by 2.5 billion, so in 14 years  we have nearly accomplished that. If we carry on there will not be enough room. This is precisely why I think our leaders are stupid enough to start another war. There are simply to many people.

  5. A girl from my schools uncle died on that plane, its pretty fucking crazy how miniscule the chances are of this happening. Should definitely make any war zone a no fly zone for civilians after this, need to learn from our mistakes and not have them repeat themselves.

  6. I see where you are coming from with this and you make some very valid points. The only thing I would say is that soldiers are the ones who are supposed to be doing the fighting that's why they sign up to the forces. If you are bombing cities you will be killing innocent women (I understand some women would work in factories and i will get on to that point) and children who contribute nothing towards the actual war itself even if they are paying taxes and so forth. Therefore I do not think they can in any way be perceived as part of the war.


    Factories yes I agree to truly crumble a nation and win a war you must cut off supplies. Although it may seem quite barbaric to do so and what many people would consider innocent people would be killed, these people in their own way are a huge part of the war. If you truly want to win a war you are right when you say you must target the backbone and that would be to put a cease to moral within the country in question, however I myself do not think I could drop a bomb on an enemy nation knowing full well I would be killing women and children. Factories and plants yes, targeting cities in order to kill civilians no. I personally think that if they are civilians although they will of course be supporting their country in the effort they should not be dragged into it.


    War is something everybody has different views on but if there was to be another world war then nuclear warheads would come into the equation and I feel like there could be no real winner in that situation.

  7. I wish I had the patience to keep a farm running, the bans and losses on accounts would literally drive me crazy. Hope you are able to figure out your own method to get around Jagex, all the best looking forward to seeing your turnover tongue.png

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  8. I'm currently doing a degree in Marketing and from what I've learned so far I want a business that is online based, where I am able to advertise on social network platforms. The age group would probably be from 16-30. Problem is finding what sort of business that is and a gap in the market for it.

  9. I wouldn't say humans invented war, we just wage war on a large scale with advanced weaponry. There are many animals that if you come into their territory will kill you, there are many that also roam in packs and kill other packs. It may not be war as we are used to it, but it is war in a sense. I think the reason war exists for humans is that violence often times is the answer to our problems, violence is usually the most effective means of removing a problem from existence unfortunately. A few examples, don't like something another nation is doing? Bomb the shit out of them till they stop. Want some more land? Take it through violent action. Don't agree with someone elses ideology? Destroy them and you don't have to worry about. Want some other nations wealth and they decline trade relations? Invade. 


    The sad reality is that violence and war are very effective means for obtaining what a nation wants, the loss of life is viewed as acceptable if the act "saves" more people than it destroys or if more of "them" die than how many of yours died. It would stand to reason that other beings (if they exist) would see war as a viable means to obtain what they want, assuming they are capable of thought and have free will. I guess we won't know until that day comes, if it does. However by that time we will have probably destroyed our planet to the point where there wouldn't be much to gain from war.


    I totally agree with the fact that in cases war is a must. Hitler for example was never going to stop through negotiation. What I mean is if you think about the actual concept of war, fighting and violence; whether that be humans or animals it may only be upon earth. For example we as humans find it impossible to comprehend the possibility that there is no beginning and end to the universe. We created the concept of time, there is no reason why we cannot of done the same with war. The fact that some people believe another civilisation may of came to earth before why didn't they just wipe us out then? It is believed they helped ancient civilisations build the pyramids for example, maybe they want us to progress rather than wipe us out. If any such thing exists of course.


    I also agree that we will of most likely destroyed ourselves before anybody else does.


    Getting way to deep and off topic here but oh well.

  10. This world will only see sense when we cut down the last tree and realise that money cannot provide us with oxygen. The world is so corrupt and we don't know half of the things that go on behind the scenes (I doubt we would want to tbh).  The thing I don't understand is when people have the ideology that if another civilisation came to earth that they would want to wipe us out, sure they could; but humans created the concept of war who is to say that their way of thinking is the same as ours. As long as there are humans on the earth there will always be wars. Bit off topic I know but interesting thought. 

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