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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. The license needs renewing from what i know, please be patient we hope to get it back up and running when we can! (I understand its frustrating i also need my daily fix!)

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    1. You CAN'T log in the account(s) that are being worked on by me until the order is complete.

    2. You CAN'T change the password of the account until the service has been completed, or else the order will be cancelled with no REFUND.

    3. You MUST change your password after the service is completed

    4. If there are any items that are required to finish the order, discussion on who should provide them should be done before agreeing on the order.

    5. If you have any wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it.

    6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback to my account.

    7. My services do not include any botting action and is all done by hand. All bans/mutes become obsolete (unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)

    8. You must agree to my TOS before ordering any of my services.





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  3. I'm very disappointed with the result. Of course you voted for Conservative, they have your interests in mind :p . The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Its sad to see people voting for a party who triples the yearly student course fees, spends Billions on Trident. Not to mention they will continue to privatise the NHS which is one of the greatest things this country has to offer. I can see the NHS crumbling over the next 5 years. The Conservatives will leave a legacy of young people in unimaginable debt, who will be having to live with their parents till they are 30 because they cannot get a mortgage; and the NHS will be gone and we'll be in a state worse than when the recession hit. The Conservatives are causing this country to go backwards rather than forwards.


    Don't get me wrong i think all of the parties are shady as hell but Labour at least have the majority of the countries interests in mind, they were going to get rid of 0 hour contracts meaning people would actually know how many hours they would be working a week. Rather than getting a text an hour before work telling them they aren't needed. Plus they were going to bring up the minimum wage meaning people in the working/lower class have more disposable income, meaning more money would be spent to get the economy flowing more. Oh and lets not forget they were going to put money INTO the NHS not take it out like the Tories!


    As for the people who resigned:


    Ed Milliband - Unfortunate as i think he had his heart set on making the country better. However, he was not what i would class as a strong leader. All the same he would of been far better than Cameron.


    Nigel Farage - Good, he is a rich racist scumbag who has blamed everything on immigration and worryingly actually got a following. Very dangerous person in my opinion.


    Nick Clegg - Expected, got completely done over when the coalition formed, unfortunate as he is being blamed for what the Conservatives did when i really don't think he had much of a say at all.


    As for a new wave of leaders coming into the picture i hope they have more to offer than their predecessors. Oh and lets hope these ones have actually lived in the real world and held down a job unlike the current rich, spoilt, clueless twats.

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  4. Unfortunately there isn't a huge market for accounts like this and they are relatively easy to make with a short life span if they are used for goldfarming purposes. I would say you are looking at 3.5M tops.

  5. LOL he thinks barca is porto lmfao my next bet on the 2nd leg is barca take it 1-0 they are going to play possession


    gotta say i disagree, Bayern will score at home, i can see a score draw if i'm honest, maybe 2-2.

    You know nothing in football , pls dont talk.


    ill gve u an example , Remember liverpool vs milan ? 


    and i also said they might comeback , so gtfo both of you noobs



    And about twc , ill ban you one day noob


    Liverpool + Milan were GOOD teams, comparing either side to the current Barca team is an insult, they are a GREAT team, one of the best there has been. Your football knowledge doesn't even come close to mine noob.

  6. Thanks very much guys for the speedy refund, hope both parties are content with the outcome. I will now remove @Kami from TWC and unlock his service thread. Along with this i will remove the negative feedback as his role in this process was to hold the payment. He does take responsibility for his workers mistakes however it is not him who completed your order therefore he should not be the one receiving the negative feedback as he has co-operated and fulfilled his role as the payment holder.

    Glad this was sorted quickly, Thanks Varc.

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