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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. You cannot get a price check on your account with under 100 posts as you cannot access the account section. This is the second run in with breaking the rules you have had today. Please read over them again and when you hit the required post count feel free to post in the account section. Until then please refrain from trying to bypass the 100 post requirement by posting in a different section. Closing.

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  2. I'm all for this kind of stuff, but not when you're the President of the United States. It's considered (or at least was) considered the most prestigious position in the world. On an international scale our President doing this kind of stuff makes our country look like as much of a joke as his policies. If you're going to do this stuff do it after you're out of office. His job is to be the President, not be a celebrity.


    He's done everything he can in office now and won't be serving another term. He's got the most stressful job in the world, he may as well enjoy the last stretch of it!

  3. You are missing a few things. Please follow and fill in this structure accordingly. Post a new thread when the changes are made, ty :)


     1. Pictures of the account stats

        2. Pictures of the login details

        3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)

        4. Pictures of the quests completed

        5. The price you will be starting bids at

        6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account

        7. The methods of payment you are accepting

        8. Your trading conditions

        9. Account status

       10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address

  4. Sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. I have been through the thread and it does say that Wisefish who is now  was the original owner. I will ask him to post here and encourage you to try and get in touch with him in order for him to start the account recovery process. Also do you have any screenshots of the wealth which you had on the account? Otherwise it is hard for us to determine what wealth was actually on the account. I cannot stress enough how it is never 100% safe buying an account as it can indeed still be recovered. Speaking with @Oliver he has assured me that he will help as much as he can.

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