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  1. Hi mario!


    can you please help me using osbot on jagex launcher accounts?


    i can pay with GP this help



  2. Thank you so much brother for answering me! Sorry im fucking dumbass.... what is ''vanilla'' client? Im from brazil, i dont know what this expression means Thanks!!!!
  3. Please guys, any news to run the osbot with Jagex account? Thanks
  4. Hi guys! Accidentally i added accounts in jagex launcher. Is it still possible to use the osbot? Can you help me please? Thank you
  5. gosh bro you are s fucking smart for doing this
  6. A yes, thank you very much for the action taken gunman! The account was sold for 45M Osrs gp, something around 10$.... the person got burned because of 45m, it's sad
  7. as we can see, the offender is not responding, and he went online 9 hours ago... Admins, any response on this?
  8. Thank you very much for the friendly comment!
  9. My UID disc: 411192479308709888 UID Disc scammer: 1100614463700348979 (Skewesy#2354) Evidences: [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - chat scammer [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - chat scammer [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - chat scammer [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - chat scammer [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - chat scammer [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - chat scammer [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - Alibaba account dealer (he was trying to sell my stolen account to him) [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - Alibaba account dealer (he was trying to sell my stolen account to him) [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] - Skinny RS supplies account dealer (he was trying to sell my stolen account to him) the account information that I passed [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN], is not in the conversation, because yesterday I deleted it as soon as he stopped answering me, because I found it suspicious. Then today I saw that he changed the account password. I tried to contact him via discord, and he denied it, then after I commented that he had offered the account to other people on discord, he simply blocked me as you can see in the images
  10. I would like to make a complaint. This user robbed me of 1 account with 86 of rc, which I was selling for 45m. The user: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/399606-skewesy/ Discord: Skews # 2354 he was interested in 2 of my RC accounts, one with 79 rc and the other with 86 RC, shortly afterwards he made the payment of 79 rc (15m), and I already spent both accounts to advance the negotiation. After a few minutes he informed me that I had changed the password for the first account (79 rc), but I didn't, so much so that I asked him to double check it several times, and I had checked the password on the website and it was the same. .. soon after he accused me of scam being that he was typing the wrong password probably... I tried to give him all the support he needed and he didn't even answer me. Then this morning I noticed that the password for account 86 rc had been changed without him making the payment. If you need screenshots of the conversation on discord, I'll give you as many as necessary. I also have proof that he tried to sell this stolen account to at least 3 discord account resellers. After I asked about this, he just blocked me on discord lol. Please help me stop this scammer for the good of the community. my disc: dollynho#3210 [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN]
  11. first he informed me that i had changed the first account i sold, i checked the password and it was correct. I tried to talk to him countless times but he doesn't even answer me, I wanted to give him all the necessary support, but I saw that he had ulterior motives. I had passed 2 bills, he paid the cheapest one (15m) and the other one didn't pay and changed her password. Today I went to log in and changed the password, and he doesn't answer me.
    In short, I sold 2 accounts RC 79.86, but he only paid me for level 79, for level 86 he didn't pay me. And soon after I contacted several resellers on discord and they informed that he was trying to sell the level 86 rc account to them. this is a scammer, beware!!

    My disc: dollynho#3210

  12. Hrick90

    Stealth Quester

    Não consigo iniciar uma missão Lost City, deixei a magia que vou utilizar (crumble undead) e salvo as configurações, mas depois de tentar iniciar, fala que preciso selecionar o feitiço para completar a quest
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