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Everything posted by Strengthfizz

  1. I used this script high alching for about 8 hours a day with a break or two each day for at least a few mins for like 3 days and I got a 1 day bot busting ban. Only script/bot I used.
  2. Unless I'm noob and doing this wrong I liked the post and still haven't gotten a 24h trial 12 hours later. It will show up automatically in the scripts right or what? Edit: got it now
  3. I don't get the point of mirror mode then.
  4. That answer makes 0 sense. Elaborate.
  5. I botted approx 40 hours (over time, not obvious botting spots/scripts, human-like schedules and breaks, account hand trained to a decent point and hand played a lot too) using the stealth injection mode, it's been a few days and no ban. Would it be worth getting the Mirror mode client at this point or no since I already botted using the other one? I don't exactly understand how it helps. If they can tell if it's stealth injection or mirror mode why isn't every account using stealth-injection flagged and/or banned? What's the difference in what Jagex sees?
  6. Services needs a requests section so we don't have to go through a bunch of threads adding people and looking for what we want.
  7. Derp sorry for stupid problems lol, didn't notice I forgot gp this time lol.
  8. What am I doing wrong now? When I run it it logs out. Had it working for a long time now it started doing this.
  9. It doesn't work for me, sits there and wiggles camera
  10. Logging in isn't working for me on this update? is it just me?
  11. Strengthfizz

    BETA v1.7.42

    jagex is probably sitting there like "Fuck, they fixed their bot AGAIN.. What do we do now?"
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