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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Dog_

  1. Thanks for the release once again!
  2. i don't really find it bright at all :p
  3. script writer is as easy to get as VIP and it comes with all those permissions. I think not
  4. Dog_

    More chatbox mods?

    I think 1 or 2 more would suffice. When I'm in the chatbox there's always either a chatbox assistant or a moderator.
  5. This actually looks really nice! Good luck
  6. Dog_

    Paint makeover

    The shrooms text is pretty bad, other than that it's nice
  7. people should use Zybez for buying items. Please tell me why they should use the chat box instead of zybez?
  8. Dog_


    ok il let u know when I'm doneThanks
  9. Dog_


    no but thts nasty y wut that b +gamer score
  10. Dog_


    Lol I thought RoomScape was a scammer
  11. a face palm emoticon for the chatbox.
  12. Ashe is good for 'lower level' games but I hate using her as she gets owned too fast (then again most adcs do)
  13. you do know that I would own her right?
  14. it's a place to chat, and some people already try to sell stuff as it is and it gets annoying as fuck, if the rule was removed, even more people would try to sell things and it would become even more annoying
  15. Dog_

    Forum rank rework

    I'm not sure if your English is bad or I'm just failing to understand you..But why would they deserve a whole new rank just because they have a premium script?
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