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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Realist

  1. would be a great script for tools or something
  2. could you make an ava's accumilator buyer?
  3. first one i noticed a terrible error 'if your wish to attend' which put me off it completely
  4. ur welcome for the shout i guess
  5. 1) the ips aren't flagged the accs were running for more than a week 2) you're*
  6. what if i told you i've gotten over 5+ instant perms with 1 acc on 1ip at the same time? that would make your theory flawed?
  7. Or you could get better grades & make your family proud? idk.
  8. Support, could be tweaked a bit but this seems to be headed in the right direction.
  9. 150k+ minimum i think, as for the script i would say mrs defnerd's script but she's been on 'holiday' for like 4 months so I'm not sure what script supports runite .
  10. I would support a seperate chatroom for this sort of thing tbh but has a point, chat shouldn't be market-related but that's just my opinion.
  11. Dumbest recommendation I've ever seen, did you think this through at all?
  12. Is there a need for this?
  13. looks sick. good luck.
  14. Realist

    Auto Quester

    Very good luck with this.
  15. attempt at processing joke. ~error
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