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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Realist


    20 def for clanning (multi pking) 1def for bridding
  2. Realist


    I got a maxed 20def and a 1 def :p
  3. @Swizzbeat I like you n shit but THEY'RE* FFS
  4. I'm 17 Why stop something you're having fun with/ gaining financially from (in my case)? Would you tell someone who plays COD 'it's time to move on' ? It's all about you personally man, if you're not having fun on RS then move on, but if you are why would you move on? :p
  5. i literally just got this same ban lol
  6. @Dylan Damn lol, 3.5k accs.. that's like 30% of people that play Rs07
  7. @Dylan Yes I did feel it LOL. Did you?
  8. Windows 8 sucks, i feel for you.
  9. ^ this +@maulered I was talking more about Multi though. Multi is REALLY active, especially being a pure & being in a clan. I don't 1v1 often so I can't comment on that. However, I do 1v1 hybrid a lot in w325 on my pure and there's always a fight.
  10. What are you talking about, do you even PK? PKing is probably liver than it ever was, especially if you're a pure & in a clan.
  11. No clue what this means but yeah!
  12. banana rice l0l0l warya amus hoyo awas @lolmanden
  13. your avatar LMFAOOOOOOOOOO make me a gfx pls scawty
  14. Maybe he thought he was the 100th customer and gets a present
  15. scutty i think that u lev me wat ippened pls
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