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Everything posted by Realist

  1. The ban rate is currently 56.34%.
  2. You seem to be going on a money hungry rampage dude chill out. How much are you being shortchanged? I can give you a helping hand if you need man..
  3. You've stated x amount of times that you deserve more money than what you're getting for your script so don't lie by saying you're not basing things from your Shroms script that you are infatuated with.
  4. The discussion concerning your scripts does not stop here because all of your arguments are based on your holy fantastic, impeccable Shrooms script that everybody can't get enough of.
  5. Because over here believes his Shrooms script is worth some crazy amount and is desperately trying to seize the opportunity to make a few more cents from his script. For the record @, I think @Diclonius has a better fungus script than you.
  6. That's entirely your fault, we should not have to pay for that lol.
  7. Realist

    Chat box

    Hence why he's saying there should be more Cba's
  8. You clearly give a shit, and clearly have time considering you quoted 3 seperate people to initiate a debate, you got embarrassed it's okay.
  9. Couldn't have worded it any other way. I really don't see how can sit here and say 'you should be forced to re-buy all your scripts you have already bought because we have to xfer them to OSB2 :(' Regardless of how much profit we make, that's completely NONE of your business, we don't sit here trying to calculate how much you make from script sales so please, do not try to calculate how much we make botting. You really aren't taking into consideration off-site competition are you? I really don't think you are. All you seem to be thinking is 'omg these goldfarmers making so much money I deserve more because some of them are using my script'.
  10. Aka you lost the debate because your argument was shockingly poor, expected better. Cause you know.. Everyone plays on 13 accounts legit while sleeping, yeah
  11. Good grief, how do you wake up to 13 accounts being banned overnight if you were playing them legit? What part of 'just woke up to 13 accounts banned' does not imply that he was botting? Oh and I wonder why someone would have 3 accounts on a botting forum then suddenly have 13 accounts banned... Oh definitely not botting.
  12. Here you go lying/contradicting yourself again, where did you say 'I said he didnt necessarily have multiple osbot accounts and bot them at the same time...' Now you explain this to me; How does is someone without VIP able to bot 13 accounts OVERNIGHT? < meaning he was botting them at the same time because he was sleeping..Woke up to them all being banned simultaneously.. Your argument poor my friend I don't think you know what you're talking about unfortunately.
  13. You contradict yourself because you yourself said that he was most likely not botting, the fact you quoted 3 people on this suggests you strongly thought that. l000l ikr. However, @Apaec seems to believe he did.
  14. IMO the problem is that scripters are only seeing this from their POV which is why they are all saying it's great. Now this is fully understandable but at the same time it seems like they are forgetting who is actually paying for the scripts, oh and also off-site competition- that's a major factor do not forget that.
  15. @Apaec that tells me he was botting.
  16. I think you're missing the point here. Nobody is complaining about the monthly fee from your point of view, but they are complaining from my point of view. The simple fact is, why should we have to re-purchase something that we already had and was already working? It's not like we're allowed the choice between osb 2 or osb1, we are basically being forced to incur additional costs, costs that we have already paid for.
  17. What everyone else said, time to go ban his other 12 accounts moderators.
  18. First! Should get like a week for being first js
  19. @Jmh44 For your own safety tbh;
  20. You'd be the last person I'd expect to smoke, smoking's bad btw :p
  21. I think Jagex want bots, but they want to control them, this is quite obvious because whenever bots get out of hand and prices start plummeting all of a sudden there are ban waves.
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