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Everything posted by Sunkist

  1. Sunkist

    Fruity NMZ

    It just keeps getting stuck after it leaves nmz and it says walking to bank but doesn't do anything and will get stuck until I do something
  2. Extremely fun, lol.
  3. Meh, I used to play this, not anymore.
  4. Thanks, haha Will have a lot of free time this weekend.
  5. Hey guys, I've been playing 07 for a while, took a break and joined the Marine Corps, so now I'm at school for USMC and I have a lot of extra time in the afternoons, so what I've decided to do is go after 99 Slayer. But basically I'll try to update the thread everyday, but the Marine Corps might have other plans for me, so I'll start off with bank/stats. Bank: Stats: Drop tab as of: 11 Jun 14 My goal is to log all my slayer tasks, all my drops, all my exp gains, and progress throughout the whole time. So that's my bank, my stats, and I'll be back in about 10 hours to update you guys on other things. But feel free to support me, stop by, say hi, and if you want, we can talk on skype or RS.
  6. "legit" Lol. I got to 47 legit and said fuck it... No way. Good luck on 91 anyways.
  7. 2 Def, you should just give up now...
  8. Wow, I would go insane after 1 game. Good luck, lol.
  9. Well hurry and make the fc so we can all chat, or just pm me your user so we can chat
  10. Oh, the 30-43 or w/e wasn't too obvious for me until you said you stated that. Will you show the current stats of everything you started off with and maybe your bank. And maybe wanna add me on rs, as i'm also doing a lot of slayer, maybe keep eachother busy
  11. Going to show start/progress or anything? I'm interested as I'm trying to go for a high level at least.
  12. Lol, my noob got banned for 48 hours for botting oaks in seers, but the funny thing is... It was logged out for hours, and when i logged in, about 30 seconds later the acc got banned(I wasn't on the bot client either when I logged in). 70 WC and I've made like 3m from oaks and nests-seeds .
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