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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by PipiDaga

  1. Would love if someone could make me a sig to replace my current one, I love the colour cyan!
  2. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would jizz if you could make me one :P My name is: PipiDaga and where yours says: Super Moderator, could mine say: Pipi's Services:
  3. http://gyazo.com/a59bbc0d633b5a4a03b3e30429948c10
  4. I would love any of the guides they would all be awesome! P.S I'm ranked in Home FC
  5. It's not easy to be patient when you have money invested in something, everyday OSBot is down I'd loose money from Goldfarming
  6. I have cancelled all my recurring payments that have anything to do with OSBot. I run a goldfarm and am currently using Advertising other bots isn't allowed. as it is actually active, it's quite annoying to see OSBot die like this. Hopefully an update will come to breathe some more life into this site.
  7. Very nice, I'd imagine it is normal for it too take a long time to download client?
  8. I'm in Australia so I got the game about 10 hours ago at a midnight launch, it's quite fine! I'm stuck in a river though haha
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