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Trade With Caution
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About SlimGirl

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    Coffee & Coding

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  1. It does not scream "This is OSBot!" to Jagex. But Jagex will most likely know it is a third party client. But there are plenty of legitimate popular third party clients out there such as RuneLite. Hope this helps!
  2. I'd say about 20-25m. Like xRYAN said not many people care about account age. Best of luck
  3. Apple phones have a built in way to bot simple tasks on mobile. I believe it is called "Switch Control" in accessibility settings. There's some videos on YouTube about it. Hope this helps!
  4. Would be interesting to see, however I don't think the bot would react quick enough to beat a lot of real players. They are cracked these days. Maybe I'll give scripting an LMS bot a shot though.
  5. Thanks Explv. This has been a great help in the making of my scripts. Much appreciated!
  6. SlimGirl


    Start small and don't get discouraged when accounts get banned. It will take a lot of trial and error, and you will most likely lose money at first. But if you stick with it you might become profitable. Use lots of breaks, try a variety of methods, don't bot too much in one day, residential proxies, premium scripts, hardware mouse and mirror mode is usually best. Best of luck sir!
  7. I'd recommend residential proxies as data centers are typically flagged and will get your account locked or flagged. Best of luck!
  8. Best of luck! I'd definitely give it a watch!
  9. Could always try reinstalling after deleting your files in your OSBot directory.
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