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  1. Works fine just got done using it. took 1 hour and 24min with 80 range 80 deff and 86 hp. Had a dragon crossbow with ruby bolts. now it did get stuck on one of the later waves, i noticed the attacking sounds stopped for a bit and when i checked it was just clicking the mini map but after taking over the mouse and moving around it got back on track and finished the task.
  2. would it be possible to add more location such as near Ver Sinhaza. as it is extremely close to a bank.
  3. Lets say I was to high alch bot in my house for 3 hours would I still run the same risk level as if I was doing it in the GE. Or what if making wine in the guild hall where only people in the guild are me and my alts, is the risk higher or lower of being caught than lets say doing it in the GE or a bank somewhere?
  4. Been using the script for a about a week now and gotta say super great script but not surprising as all your scripts are great. Pic is just from a 1 hour session earlier today
  5. this is what i had to do. my inv was a rope all my planks noted a hammer a saw and then 24 un noted planks. Then use the noted planks on butler so he can go and un note them (can only do 24 un notes as that is all you can hold) and he should come back and give you 24 un noted at which time the bot should be out of planks so it will take the 24 and send him on his way to once again get 24 more. but i had to use the noted planks on him as it was trying to get him to grab planks from the bank. and would stop the bot after talking to him.
  6. Yeah im dumb i didn't know demon could un note items so i was using him to go to bank and fetch planks. instead of having him un note them. apparently the script doesn't ask him to do that if he hasn't done it already. But got it working now thank you for the help.
  7. hey im pretty dumb and can't get the butler option to work. I have my inv set up exactly as the pic has except no coins and noted ropes instead (but did try it with money stack first time) so he won't ask for the money. But should i have the current logs im using noted in my inv or different logs or just another non-equipable item?
  8. While house thieving is there a way to not sell loot after every house? and instead to just keep it or at least wait till x amount of valuables then sell. I feel it makes it a little slower then just running straight to the next house.
  9. I was just wondering because I was looking for a script that was on here for a monthly plan and looked elsewhere and saw that other places do a model like this for their scripts.
  10. Would it be possible to just pay 1 big lumpsum for a script instead of having to pay monthly for it. Ex instead of paying $10 a month can I just pay $200 and never have to pay monthly again? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
  11. This. Bought the script after completing the diary and it just sits there trying to add noted horns to the fountain.
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