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  1. Bots running fine I think but It does't get me enough points for boxes, not sure if I have something not setup correct but can you suggest any settings which will help me reach the points for crates. Thanks
  2. can't get this thing to work for BH. It just constantly says out of supplies when I haven't and if I try using restock it constantly just tries to buy barley seeds and if I select use stam potions it constantly repeats buying them. Tried restarting. Im in mirror mode and meet all the requirements listed. No idea what else I need to do.
  3. Hey, could I have a trial please
  4. I got my proxy from BottingHub so I thought they'd sell decent proxy. I'm unsure how I use residential proxies. I'm pretty new to the whole Proxy thing. I just want to be able to play my main whilst I have a bot running but obviously avoid a chain ban an my main gets banned also. Know any guides or can you explain how to use a Res proxy? Thanks
  5. Hi, pretty new to botting. Used to do it years a go but thought i'd try it again. I have bought a Proxy to use in the OSBot client and it works fine. I make an account account and a day later my account will be locked as it's made on a different IP I'm guessing. The account isn't linked to an email but when I try to recover it they want a email address which will link that email address to the account which I don't want to do. What ways are there to make accounts and not getting them locked? Thanks
  6. Hi, tried adding you on discord about buying with GP

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