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Everything posted by SirFapzzAlot

  1. I found the issue regarding this script constantly crashing. It was the main osrs client itself causing the issue. It only had 256mb of RAM allocated to it despite my comp having 16gb. Had to change the info.plist configs to use more RAM. Also launched the bot client from the Mac terminal with more RAM assigned. I don't know why some scripts weren't crashing while others did, but nevertheless I am able to bot consistently in peace! Just FYI, wanted to update in case someone else comes to you about your script crashing while using Mirror Mode - it's probably their memory / processor affinity
  2. Hey man! Seems I'm working my way through in purchasing all of your scripts I just bought this one so I could train this godforsaken skill at the ZMI altar! I see you said you're working on adding a lot of unique features on the bot - would one of those features happen to be Rune Pouch support for the ZMI altar? I started the script with the rune pouch in my invy, and it got banked while carrying the runes I use to pay to bank and to tele If not, that's definitely fine as I still won't be lifting any fingers to train my least favorite skill lol, but was just curious! Thanks in advance, and appreciate everything you put into these scripts EDIT: Actually, I don't think the script is currently supporting Ourania Teleport... I enable this in the GUI and instead of using my rune pouch, I put my tele runes and my payment runes into my invy, and the script just banks everything only pulls out essence. Afterwards, I can't tele or bank since it banked those runes. EDIT 2 (14/11/2022): Alright, I discovered the "Bank-fill" option for Ourina altar is what causes my tele and payment runes to get banked and not put back into my invy. Everything seems solid so far without this option enabled! Just something minor: The only thing to note is that the script is keeping earth runes in my invy? Just ignores them every bank.
  3. Hello once again, Czar! One of your biggest fans of your scripts One quick note about this amazing script: Whenever I use the "Dodgy Necklace" field, the bot tries to add however many necklaces I specify. In this scenario, I bought 300 dodgy necklaces for pickpocketing, so I put 300 in this setting. The script tried to withdraw all 300 into my invy, and got stuck there. Other than that, this works beautifully! I appreciate all the work you do with these scripts
  4. Hello! Can I get a trail please?
  5. Here ya go - this is what I got.. The last 2 log events popped up like 25 minutes after it crashed: [INFO][Bot #1][10/12 12:55:50 PM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 397 minute(s) and break for 275 minute(s) [WARN][Bot #1][10/12 01:55:28 PM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now. [WARN][Bot #1][10/12 01:55:33 PM]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now...
  6. Hey man. I just bought this script a few days ago, and I think it works almost perfectly! However, I'm experiencing a unique issue that I don't experience with any other scripts I have: The client always crashes after running for 10-40 minutes. I have way more than enough memory to run all of my processes, so I don't know what may be causing this. I ran other scripts to make sure it wasn't the client itself, and they all ran until I stopped them after a few hours. Could you look into this please (if possible)? Thanks in advance! MORE INFO: Using a Macbook pro Using mirror mode with the client Normal mode on the script Using Phials as the "banking" method on the script
  7. Hey man, just finished up using your Motherlode Mine script which got me 99 mining! Naturally, I'm going to take all of the ore I mined to the blast furnace, so I went ahead and bought this script as well, since your scripts are creme of the crop! I just have a one thing: I have the "Stamina pots." config enabled, and I think the "Only sip above%: " sub-config doesn't work when enabled. I set it to 45% since I noticed that when I did not have this enabled, the script keeps drinking stamina pots every other bank run when I have like 83 energy left when it's not needed. So I end up burning through my stamina pots pretty quickly. When I enabled it and set it to 45%, nothing changed, and the script kept repeating this. Other than that, this is an amazing script and works beautifully, especially with the coal bag - love it! Any updates regarding these would be phenomenal. Thanks in advance
  8. Ahhh, gotcha! Sounds good, appreciate you for looking into this and addressing it so quickly! You're the best
  9. You're the goat, appreciate it!
  10. Using regular osbot in mirror mode!
  11. Hey man, just bought this script as well. There's three issues I'm encountering while trying to use superior bones on a gilder altar in Rimmington. 1. Every time I try to start the script in Rimmington, it won't initialize to select the "Best House" for a gilded altar and get the following in the logger: [INFO][Bot #1][09/02 01:24:46 AM]: Missing command for chosen poh position! (ss_chosen_poh) [INFO][Bot #1][09/02 01:24:47 AM]: [false]: Find a house and enter it now! 2. I can move past the first issue if I pause the script and manually go to a POH myself. Starting the script again inside it runs as intended, but then it sporadically tried to use my superior bones on the altar while I'm already blessing the bones. Additionally, the script moves my mouse and camera a little too much which isn't an issue I've really encountered before, but I don't know if this is a consequence of the other issues I'm encountering. 3. Lastly, whenever I finish off my invy, instead of going to Phials to un-note my bones, it always tries to run in the direction of Fally to which I assume is the nearest bank location, even though I selected Phials in the GUI. Thanks in advance for the help!
  12. Oh, sweet! I'll give that a shot! Thank you Yeah, I was alching different d'hide bodies and typed in the names themselves. I saw in your screencast that you didn't filter any of the spells out, so I went ahead and took off my filters and it's running flawlessly now! Hasn't gotten stuck in the 15 minutes I ran it (was getting stuck ~2-3 minutes each time after starting script) You're the best, seriously! I love all of your scripts Keep up the amazing work! Thank you for responding and addressing so quickly
  13. Hey man, just bought the script. Tried to set it up to superheat steel bars, and the script does not withdraw any coal and just fills invy with iron and superheats iron bars... Also, could it be possible to add tele-alching to the script pls? EDIT: Also, just switched to the high alch feature, and the script consistently gets perma stuck on the inv while the high alch spell is selected Log: [INFO][Bot #1][08/28 04:53:14 PM]: ... spell is still selected, let's open the inventory tab now! [INFO][Bot #1][08/28 04:53:17 PM]: Sleep for 1058ms (Random) [INFO][Bot #1][08/28 04:53:18 PM]: Animation received, new [713] [INFO][Bot #1][08/28 04:53:19 PM]: Sleep for 1126ms (Random) [INFO][Bot #1][08/28 04:53:28 PM]: Sleep for 940ms (Random) [INFO][Bot #1][08/28 04:53:29 PM]: Animation received, new [713]
  14. How long does it usually take for the OSbot team to address osrs updates?
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