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Black shadez

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  1. So I have ended up unintentionally having 6 master farmer bots all 99 thieving really just from being bored and wanting extra cash. But i realized at this point if im to continue, i need a vpn or else i risk getting my main with almost 2k ttl banned. So how can I use a VPN for individual clients? I either want them all running on different IP's. Or atleast the bots running on a diff IP than my main. Is this possible with the client and how would i go about doing it. Will I need to use a virtual machine to do this seperately?
  2. Yes, the runes were in the pouch. But i tried to take them out to see if the bot would put them in and work. I did take the pouch back out of the bank but did the same thing. It's a divine pouch. And what do i need to look for in the logger?
  3. Doesn't work for me either. Had all the runes in my divine pouch and it would go to the bank and sit there forever saying "interacting with bank booth". Turned shadow veil off and it worked fine. Was theiving elves btw. If I took my runes out of my pouch it would grab my divine pouch and repeat and sit there forever. So the only wa to run it rn is with no shadow veil.
  4. Is there an option to make divine pots?
  5. I got into reading the jagex account thing since i need the bank space, One of the things it said as that I have an official jagex launcher in order to do it and its non reversable. Will this impact botting? I was thinking mirror would still work but stealth would not.
  6. Thanks! I had the open box checked but something was preventing it from doing so, It's resolved and im 12kxp from 99fm. Great script
  7. When the bank is full of crates and you have no more space. It will try to empty your inv indefinitley. Could this be looked into? Its a pretty big red flag for ban
  8. trial please sir, gonna need this rougue fit for ya thieving;p
  9. can i have a trial plz?
  10. Idk if its just me but the mouse moves lightning fast. Way to fast for it not to be suspicious, is there any way to change or adjust that? Didnt see an option for it.
  11. Found the issue, don't know why but if you toggle the sidebar on the client it works fine. No more issues with "imput lag"
  12. Unable to purchase for whatever reason, May i get a trial?
  13. Is anyone else having small issues with timing and how can i fix it, More specifically running back too soon on acid phase and After acid phase turning prayers on too late. Running out of options for it, probably 40-50% death rate rn
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