Hey Czar,
- Script doesn't re-enable quick prayer after a banking trip, I'm using banking for Drakes, but this also happens with other monsters.
- Script attacks monsters that aren't selected on the list but are within the area? I'm doing a Nechrayael task and it's attacking Gargoyles randomly.
- Script gets stuck high-alching items with a high alch value that causes the caution window to pop up (are you sure you want to high alch this item).
Hey Czar, thanks for being so responsive.
Sometimes I catch bot spam clicking a certain tile randomly after a kill? Seems pretty suspect, random, and there's no information in debugger for me to report....
Have you ever encountered this?
Hey Czar, been using this script for a while.
Could you consider:
- update interactions with Herb sack so it doesn't right click check after filling every time? Pretty suspect behaviour.
- emergency teleport option based on HP (if it's there I haven't found it, my apologies)
Hey Khal, just bought this script.
Crafting ruby bracelets at Edgeville right now, could you change the logic of the script, currently it still clicks on the minimap to get to the bank and then bank, but you can just click the bank booth directly from the furnace if fully zoomed out.
Besides that, working great.
Thanks for the response! I misread the wiki article and thought it said you must contribute 50% of the bar to have a chance at an angler piece, but it's just 50 points.
Script works great, I'm going to buy it when I get paid next week.
Thanks for the trial!
Using this atm and it got to 20 fishing no problem, now it's at Fishing Trawler, but it doesn'r react fast enough to patch leaks, so it never gets to 50% or more contribution for a chance at Angler pieces.
Any advice? Is the boat just too crowded?