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Everything posted by Nitrousek

  1. Sup, just got my perfect connection 120mb/s download, 10mb/s upload, so I can start streaming I guess. Why would I stream? I guess for fun. I don't have a facecam, but I guess you don't come to jerk off to my cute model face, but to watch the game ;D (I hope) I've always found it entertaining to watch other streamers, and streaming was one of the things I was interested in. So if you want to see how some random noob fellow from osbot feeds on soloq then watch me a bit ^^. Soon I'll probably play with my mates as well, so I'll speak on teamspeak in polish prolly, don't hate me bros. I mainly play mid/top, but I'm also fine in jungle or adc. link: http://www.twitch.tv/hatguy_
  2. to get better, you play. Until you meet an invisible boundary that blocks you from gaining any more skill. If you manage to fuck that boundary like you're supposed to, then you become me. Teach me, how do I rape dis barrier? Analyse your mistakes, and try different playstyle. Play champions that are good, or something you can carry with. In my case, as I'm mid player, I go for ahri and orianna, or lux as they're viable for soloq. Don't do same mistakes twice, and watch streams of good players from time to time, so you can get a little better by doing what pros do. Here you've got an example of what you could try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV8p4ozLiTk basically, you go for udyr top, but you go to their red/blue and steal it, using red pot for 350 + 3 hp pots. Then either wait for jungler to arrive and own him, or kill your toplaner, while he's still level 1, and you are 2. I personally do this very often, as it's overpowered on early, two hitting enemies in first minute.
  3. to get better, you play. Until you meet an invisible boundary that blocks you from gaining any more skill. If you manage to fuck that boundary like you're supposed to, then you become me.
  4. I'd do it as I've boosted people to diamond 3 in the past, but meh, I don't have that much time nowadays.
  5. gurl, and all this because you don't like men. jeez
  6. Hopefully we will get any new progress report soon ^^ And I hope it will be worth the wait.
  7. I thought about it also, and logged in almost always after an update. Thought it might have been a thing, until I got perm goldfarming ban.
  8. x, where x € <414, 500> go on from 501 xd
  9. Sure he is, but at least he doesn't run around with SSF signature, so there's that...
  10. I think it's aids. We should keep it contained and burn him.
  11. I don't recommend buying accounts, they can be easily recovered... how much are you prepared to pay per league you go up? I might consider doing it, if you pay nice.
  12. If you need any further help feel free to ask here, and when I see it I'll answer.
  13. She isn't op, lawl. She's just good. Ezreal has similar or even bigger single target damage output, and he has escape skill so...
  14. person above me prolly has skin tone of a cat, face of a cat... whatever, let the video explain
  15. Great song and music video from League of Legends.
  16. I'd appreciate if someone created me a story with which I can unban my main that was banned for goldfarming. I've been trying to unban some accs in the past, it failed, so I guess I can give the community the chance to help me ^^ I'm pesimistic so yeah... If I find the unban template you give me any convincing I'll use it, but put it in the "spoiler" so they can't google it lolo. Btw, is it even possible to unban goldfarming ban?
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