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Everything posted by Poizuns

  1. Would it be safe to bot during Leagues or would they be doing increased counter measures?
  2. I was only on runelite on this specific account.
  3. appeal was denied... account was banned 2 days after putting a year membership and only afking ~ 12 hours or so, on so decided to ask for a refund and surprisingly jagex gave it to me.. incredible
  4. I just got a bot busting ban on an account that has never once botted. How do I go about appealing this?
  5. loving the bot so far but does anyone know what the optimal settings are for getting points?
  6. could i get a trial please
  7. could I get a trial please ?
  8. Could I get a trial please?
  9. Poizuns


    Can I get a trial please
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