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  1. Then test it completely zoomed out and let me know if it adjusts, because i'm able to recreate this still script doesn't auto adjust the zoom. and yes finally! thanks!
  2. I tried recreating the same screenshot u put same position everything, I literally put the brightness on max and zoom on the second dot and it started working, this was the ONLY difference. I tried putting back zoom and brightness and it broke again, (zoom on 1st dot the max zoomed out and brightness on mid) Found the bug hahaha! Finally working now, if you can fix this then people with my old settings won't suffer
  3. I did, still the same.. Is there any logs or something I can send you? Is there requirements that i'm unaware of in the settings? using osbot 2.7.32 PS. I have like many of your scripts so i'm not new to botting this one just breaks on this specific setting
  4. Black salamanders is the same just tried 1.0.9, I really tried every option even disabling breaking on client as well as script, my inventory is small nets and ropes Edit: I delete osbot folder and resetup everything from scratch still same behaviour, note this is salamanders only, falconry is OK
  5. Red salamanders stuck on setting up script, tried restarting everything, tried setting up a few traps myself, nothing in the error log
  6. it's even your scripts that i bought, I can see the script names and run them but i cant see the icon next to it or even the paint when i run the script, this is in the client. not sure how to debug onpaint that u mentioned
  7. I tried deleting entire osbot folder and the same is happening
  8. why does butler mode not support breaking? i don't want to suicide bot it
  9. Heyy, is there going to be an option for bloods with DLS fairy ring? it's the best moneymaking at 99 rc
  10. codeath

    Fruity NMZ

    ok so i used osbot break manager, when it logged back inside, it kept getting a dream then leaving then getting another and drained all the money then logged out
  11. Hi, the world hopping is not working, I set it to 2 mins and tested multiple times, it's breaking OK but it doesn't hop
  12. codeath

    Fruity NMZ

    hello, I can't seem to find an option to take a break after x time, it's only dream based and not time, how can I set up time based breaking?
  13. The counters are missing after osbot update
  14. Forget 1, I had the mine till portal is open checked. the last 2 are still valid.
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