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of Guthix

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  1. Great script. Think I'll pick it up soon!
  2. Just caught it again. DM'ed you a log (don't want my timestamps and coords public lol).
  3. I'm an idiot and didn't trial it
  4. Injection mate - it keeps it in inventory as it walks north. Can't recall whether this is with or without a games necklace in possession sorry
  5. Walks from Lumbridge to chins after every death despite there being a glory in the inventory the entire trip back.
  6. Could I grab a trial please? Want to compare black chins to a competitor
  7. Hey Khal could I get a look at this please?
  8. of Guthix

    Stealth Quester

    Account gets stuck opening the front door during Ascent of Arceus for 5 hours. Also be careful with MM1, seems to die a lot.
  9. On an ironman alt I was banned at 91 RC and after a two day rest went straight to 99. It honestly just seems so random.
  10. This is just not true. It's potluck. I've escaped multiple perm bans. My main has multiple temp and perm bans and I just got it back again lol
  11. The one I am referring to is strictly F2P. So if you are planning some for P2P you can probably have your own niche still
  12. Sucks to hear. Best of luck out there!
  13. Well for what it's worth I've run it longer than you did using stealth and not banned just yet. Hard to be sure but yeah, 20-30 minutes is far quicker detection than I've ever had. I've never even had a crappy F2P bot banned that fast. Maybe just supremely unlucky?
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