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  1. This script seems like it would be an amazing money maker for a bot farm, but the not being able to take breaks feature seems like it is really affecting the potential of this script. Get 10 accounts or so trained up to run this, use mirror client and you could make some nice gp a day. But I feel as if with the bot not being able to take breaks will increase the ban rate by a substantial amount, as no human plays 24/7, or even 10+ hours without taking a few breaks here and there. And having to manually stop the bot whenever you want it to take a break, when running on more then 1 account would be quite a pain. Is there anyway you could code in your own breaking feature for the script? And the user could specify how often / how long it wants the account to break for? Think this would be an amazing feature for the script, both for functionality and decreasing ban rates.
  2. Yea just went ahead and restarted it and getting the same error, this is with using mirror mode.
  3. Heya, looks like the issue I was having was not due to breaks as I was having it with breaks even turned off. Sometimes I get this error first crypt, sometimes it is on the 2nd, and sometimes it is on the 4th and so on. It seems to be happening randomly, not any specific crypt. It goes into the crypt then just does not click the tomb to spawn the brother, just stands there. [ERROR][bot #1][01/07 11:25:34 AM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.emu.EmuClient.getTileVisibilityArray()[[Z at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(ti:150) at frostbarrow.e.cOM2.J(uc:697) at frostbarrow.e.cOM2.I(uc:168) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(cd:117) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hk:274) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  4. Heya! thanks for the trial! Tried running the script, but looks like it keeps breaking when entering the brothers crypts, at first it kept getting stuck at dharok, then after restarting it a few times it did DH fine, then went onto karils and had the same issue. This is the error text I am getting [ERROR][bot #1][01/07 03:00:23 AM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.emu.EmuClient.getTileVisibilityArray()[[Z at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(ti:150) at frostbarrow.e.cOM2.J(uc:697) at frostbarrow.e.cOM2.I(uc:168) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(cd:117) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hk:274) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Looks like you can not use breaks while running this script though? Wouldn't that cause an increase in bans without breaking and running 24/7?
  5. Hoping they update us with some info soon. Kind of surprised it is taking this long for a fix / even a reply. Seeing as of right now no one is able to buy scripts or renew vip. Which I would imagine is their main source of income.
  6. Heya Bud! Could I get a trial for this? Was about to buy it to try it but looks like osbot is having paypal merchant issues and everyone is currently unable to purchase scripts. Thanks!
  7. Any update on this? Still experiencing this issue. And it is not only me experiencing this issue. So as of right now my VIP membership is going to waste as I am unable to purchase any of the scripts I want to use? @Maldesto @Dex @Solution @Khaleesi
  8. Hey, I just renewed my VIP after a long time of not being a VIP member and I was able to do that fine, but now when I go ahead and try purchasing any scripts, when I hit the Confirm My Order button it goes to load paypal, but instead of me being able to log into my paypal / input card details I get a paypal error saying this Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later. After removing this bit from the paypal url #/checkout/genericError?code=GENERIC_ERROR I get sent to the screen to continue, but after hitting continue I get the following message. https://gyazo.com/862de53569d05b9783555b0aaa75d178
  9. Prices seem fair, but I can not see many people liking the "Payment would not be given till gold is sold" bit
  10. The wicked wizard With No Dick
  11. Were these accounts botted for tutorial island or did you do tutorial island by hand for these accounts?
  12. As my lady Katy Perry says, Haters gonna Hate Hate Hate
  13. $118 a month after the first month for 3 - 4 bots, seems pretty pricey. Must be running an insanely high gp/hr script to afford that price tag
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