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Everything posted by random21213

  1. Could I get a trial plz?
  2. Bought this scripts and worked in Mirror Mode right away. Straight forward and easy to use. Very nice implementation of portal prediction. I'm a casual player turned botter when Jamflex ruined the game back in the day. Some feedback for you @Czar, three things stood out to me when running that could reduce ban rates: As a casual player I generally right click the ladder to see who is botting/playing legit in each lobby/boat. I'm pretty sure salty regular players are reporting anyone stood on tile directly next to the ladder in the boat. If we could get a feature to move to another square on the boat that would be very nice. Brawler blocking is very obvious when someone is running the script. If we could get some form of if attack==idle > 10 game ticks relocate. On death the script still attempts to attack NPCs/portals. A regular player would never do this, some form of if dead idle=10 ticks would work nicely. Hope this feedback helps good work, happy to have payed $9.99, well worth the investment.
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