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About wrogue

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  1. One of mine that got hit got nailed on the 4th mini wave too, 90 farming on that one. Got a 14 day on that one too even after taking a 2 day less than a week ago
  2. And....there goes more of that paycheck, Great work as always!
  3. ah never bot on an account you wish to keep. Any account I log into the bot with is already an assumed loss in my book, some make it a while, I've got accounts going that have been botting for a couple months now daily, but I've also caught plenty of bans quickly. I just try to make sure the gold/items are transferred to my main before they get got. It's only a matter of time for the accounts. My main has been a mule for me since I started botting with osbot years ago.
  4. wrogue

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Quick little shot from the start of a run this AM Edit: Added a second shot, showing the quick react. PK appeared and half a second later hopped away
  5. Been running this for....oh 3 weeks now I think? Runs nonstop all week until server updates, rarely a hiccup and when it has them(pathing/lag) it accounts for it and fixes itself, only hop on the accounts to transfer items back and forth. Bit complex initial setup if you aren't exactly sure what you're doing but once you figure it out, it goes quickly and does what it's supposed to.
  6. wrogue

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Loving the script Czar!
  7. I can say I've noticed a weird issue with the paint with bought scripts as well, some instances have no issues while others running simultaneously will have no paint while running, even when hitting hot keys to display/hide the onscreen paint, but the moment the script goes to break the paint is displayed. Doesn't affect the running of the instances as far as I can tell so I've just been chugging along.
  8. wrogue

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    That sounds awesome. I'm gonna have to download discord one of these days too....I've despised it for so long though hah
  9. wrogue

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Oh man...I'm almost at all your scripts czar...gonna have to throw members on my hunter now I guess haha
  10. Thanks for the update, I knew the moment I saw GE changes that it was going to be an update from hell for you guys. The work is much appreciated!
  11. Didn't even think to check that option, I will have to look when I fire the bot up. As for mirror vs stealth, thanks for the heads up as well!
  12. Ran this on a couple accounts so far, first one I just wanted to see how long I could get it. Stealth injection, for some reason mirror won't attach but I really need to clean my system and start fresh to fix it, ran just shy of 20 hours fresh off tutorial island and got reported and banned. Watched the report happen, was my fault. Second account is going strong, have stopped it multiple times for a couple hour long breaks, just hit part 2 and stopped it for another decent break. Bought everything flawlessly, only issue I've ran into so far is, it has trouble moving the tinderbox to slot one, maybe pull that item first to solve the issue easily, and sometimes it got stuck around the back side of the hut for chickens.
  13. Honestly, never bothered with proxies for my farms. Never ran massive farms trying to sell gold either where it would be a necessary precaution. My mule was hand leveled to beat trade restrictions and just every so often I'd randomly hand level a skill or two while the bots run. If I was running a large farm trying to rwt, I'd be using proxies. Haven't had an account linked back to the mule or another bot except the one time I ran 20 accounts all at the same time through tutorial island on a script. That was a while ago though.
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