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David Gatward

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  1. Yo yo, it struggles with making holy symbolss
  2. Yeah the guy can't make arrowtips at seers,
  3. What's the option for "new mouse"?? IRL need a new mouse that's for sure.. Edit: I'm just gonna use it and hope I don't get aids
  4. Hi Explv, the script struggles to make bronze arrowheads when smithing, I gave it 30 seconds and it just hovers over the "smith arrowheads" without clicking it. When I go to manually click it, it then brings up the interface again stopping the smithing and just hovers over it again. update 1: after getting it to fletch me some arrows from headless arrows and it taking about 30 seconds for it to do a batch, I see now that it may just be a break that you've put in so i'll let you know tomorrow when I make another set of arrows from scratch if problem persists or was just my impatience
  5. import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Spells; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @ScriptManifest( name="Shitty Script", author = "OsPlay", version = 0.0, logo = "", info = "Spaghetti code!") abstract class Telegrab extends Script { public boolean EXIT = false; public Area AREA_TO_EXIT = new Area(1,1,1,1); public Area AREA_2_TO_EXIT = new Area(1,1,1,1); public List<Integer> LIST_OF_WORLDS = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { String list = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("WORLD TO HOP: AK 509,510,511..."); for (String world : list.split(",")) { LIST_OF_WORLDS.add(Integer.parseInt(world)); } } private boolean tryToGetTheRune() throws InterruptedException { GroundItem natureRune = getGroundItems().closest("Nature rune"); if(natureRune == null) return false; //open magic! getMagic(); sleep(random(500,1000)); // Can't because lvl if(!getMagic().castSpell(Spells.NormalSpells.TELEKINETIC_GRAB)) return false; sleep(random(500,1000)); //cast magic if(!natureRune.interact("Cast")) return false; return true; } private boolean checkItems() { // you have space in the inventory. if(getInventory().isFull()) return false; // check for law rune. if(getInventory().getAmount("Law rune") < 1) return false; // check for air rune. if(getInventory().getAmount("Air rune") < 1) return false; return true; } }
  6. Does it include randomisation? like, will it click the same tile on the same pixel every time? Otherwise cool, you don't offer trial do you?
  7. hahahaha, this post may help? So I copy and pasted this code into Intellij Idea and build artifact --> build. Was expecting the script to then load in Osbot once I click refresh but didn't turn up... Would it be possible to convert this into a java executable file then I could drag and drop into my osbot scripts folder to test it? I've done that before with @Explv's updated AIO script. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe to start with it's just important to get the script to telegrab nature runes and hop specified f2p worlds (497 to 504) until no law runes are left. The other elements that are to protect the bot from dying and get it out the wilderness can be added in later? Maybe it's important the bot can at least eat Jug'o'wine. Also, the character will be wielding an air staff so there's no need to check for air runes in inventory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tysm for your help amigo
  8. Hi, Am looking for a script that would: 1. Telegrab a specific ground item until there is none of it left then hop world and repeat this until: x amount of target ground item is in inventory OR run out of law runes in inventory OR cannot cast telegrab and then logout is triggered. 1.1 There would be a way to tell what worlds the bot will hop to through an interface. OR there is the exact same script but with the world hopping variable changed so if one would like the script to hop 451-459 then the specific script for that hopping pattern is loaded in the script selector. 2. The script, on the condition any hp is lost, would need to eat food in the inventory, activate quick pray and run to single-way combat (approx 100 tiles). 2.1 If hp is still being lost when reaching this co-ordinate then it needs to reach lvl 20 wild (approx 800 tiles) where home tele is activated. 2.2 If home tele turns out to be a null action (either through tb or cooldown timer or still in combat) then it will be taken to the wilderness ditch and logout. With 0 knowledge of Java I've tried making my own script for (1.) and got this far : Entity naturerune = getObjects().closest("Nature rune"); if (naturerune != null) { nature rune.interact("Take"); } Any help with developing this script would be appreciated.
  9. Is there support for ironman? For instance for animal magnetism to get the mithril axe, will the script kill npc's for the mith axe drop and then do the quest?
  10. Hi, please can I have a trial?
  11. bro I have tried adding you on Discord mine is NotDavidGatward#6037
  12. I've just had my own main banned for botting using Khal agility script (forgot to turn roofs off), and the acc already had a previous quash from a macroing I did years ago to get 85 mage so I don't think it's coming back. I would really love to get back in there with a slayer centered build and no botting on the account as all I have now is my lvl 55 miner and his lvl 73 protector! I was just about to make a new account off tutorial island to do slayer and bond it with the scraps left on those 2 accs I have mentioned but if you could offer your acc wow, would be a miracle, ty for reading! David
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