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  1. Klinded

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    My man pumping the updates, I gotta try this one in the near future. Great stuff as always!
  2. The script is still the old version 1.16. I restarted the client multiple times but I'm not getting the update. not sure if its just me.
  3. Thanks for the update, I will test it out and let you know how it goes!
  4. Like this? it just stands there after it goes upstairs.
  5. Awesome, ill give it a try here soon. Thanks! Edit: I gave it a try but it just gets stuck at [Points Caching] as shown on the screenshot. Anything I need to do?
  6. Thanks for the quick reply, I'll wait for an update before trying those rooms again. I did notice that in the alchemy room It works fine for the most part BUT sometimes (varies how long into the script running this happens) the script just keeps picking up the last item that was worth the most points until the inventory is full and then proceeds to drop them all and picks them back up and goes in a loop of doing that until I stopped the script and started it again. Just an FYI.
  7. just bought the script, having an issue with enchanting room. After I got to 1010 points it just sits there and doesn't do anything. Any ideas as to why this is happening? the logger just spams the "For Input String: "1010" over and over again. Also Telekinetic room just stops after solving once and stands there. Am I doing something wrong...?
  8. Could i get a trial if possible? thanks !
  9. Would love to give this one a try, could I request a trial if possible? Thanks!
  10. I got some of your other scripts which I love, could I get a trial for this one if possibe? Thanks!
  11. Love your scripts - I'll be trying this one as well. Thanks!
  12. Greetings I'm looking to test the AIO Cooker for giant seaweed cooking - thanks!
  13. Looking into a script that cooks the seaweed into soda ash, does this script have that ability by any chance? thanks!
  14. I want to buy this script but does this support cooking the seaweed/giant seaweed to make soda ash? that is what I'm looking for mostly.
  15. Great looking forward to it!
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