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Elijah Salyers

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Everything posted by Elijah Salyers

  1. Alright, so I need to lure the npc, ty. Idk how possible it is, but can the script tell when you're in combat with the npc? I noticed that you have to baby sit the bot (which is fine) because it would stand there in combat trying to knock out.
  2. I can't seem to get the blackjack working, it stays at calculating. I have the correct npc, and the correct house set with my inv full. Idk if I missed something but I just can't get it to work.
  3. So, every time I run stall or pickpocket the account just runs away and doesn't do anything. I'm pretty sure I have all the settings correct, am I doing something wrong??? This has kinda driven me crazy. nvm, I'm just really dumb. sorry lmao
  4. Just got the script to find out it just get's stuck at swapping gear. I have everything setup correctly, and when I start the script at barrows it walks to the right mound but then sits there. Kinda bs for a monthly paid script that doesn't work anymore, clearly there are other people that are having this issue too.
  5. I don't know how that was even enabled, I think it's off by default. Either way that fixed it for me. Tyvm!!
  6. Anyone else having / had a issue where the script would just switch between the combat tab and the last opened tab? (Most of the time the bag for me) I'm pretty sure Jagex would pickup on the fact that my accounts would be clicking between those tabs consistently for several hours.
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