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Everything posted by fisher4040

  1. plz add regicide, or do a script separate for that id gladly pay
  2. good script but bans are so hot atm, ran 15 zulrahs other week they all got banned on saturday which ive never had happen with gdk/masters, then today i setup at 1pm gmt (my usual start up time) and they wer banned by 4pm.. 3 hours was all it took to be detected and perm banned, Keep this in mind if you plan on botting zulrah atm..
  3. mate evey time i stop script it closes client, if bot runs out of supply it closes client, i dont think ive ever been this frustrated ever botting fuck me... i'd rarther import manual
  4. Script name M khals mort myre fungus - trial length Happy with reviews 24 hour trial please - Reason for trial Well i want to test before i buy haha - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes
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