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Everything posted by Zazzzle

  1. Nice! I am excited to try it! Was just watching an account and it was on the clan teleport tab after it dropped the iron ore off and went to try to grab buckets because it couldnt see the bucket in the inv (at least that is what it looked like). Anyways thanks again for the updates!
  2. Cool thanks for all the updates! I know some really aren't on you, like the world selection, but it is always good to have redundancy. I know ID's are a pain to use, but I have ran into the same issues when building scripts if I dont account for note vs unnoted. Ill check out the script on a different computer. Maybe it is something with the computer causing issues because it isnt just one acc unfortunately. Have to switch through accs every hour or two and deposit random items (mainly hammers, think it deposits the rest itself)/extra buckets.
  3. 1. Was running injection. Not just a mirror issue 2.Yeah didnt work for me on any accounts 3.I would typically do that myself, but osbot has issues with cli world luanch atm. So doing it manually for 50 accs isnt fun 4.Yeah, probably was a user input error, puasing and buying supplies and forgetting to deposit. But if you used the ID and not the string then it would know it is noted or not. Good to know the difference for things like muling if/when you integrate it.
  4. Grabs random items out of bank and doesnt deposit them. This would sometimes break the bot because it would grab a full inventory or stamina potions or whatever else. Sometimes gets caught grabbing buckets over and over, 1 bucket would suffice. Sometimes I would come back with an inventory full of buckets or half full. Doesn't finish chat with the dwarven boat guy. Be nice if it confirmed it was on a blast furnace world. Lots of issues to be addressed tbh. Edit: Also forgot to mention it doesn't know the difference between noted and unnoted. Started script with noted items a few times and didnt deposit them, just assumed they were what they needed. They are in fact not that. Should do an ID check and not just string check
  5. Hey mate, can I please try this out?? Thanks
  6. Hey dude, Can i please get auth to test out the script. Thanks
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